OAuth 1.0 vs 1.0a with Chrome App
I have a Chrome App (SmugMugBrowser) that's been running fine with OAuth 1.0, which is supported by a Chrome API (chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow). However, I recently noticed that SmugMug had changed to OAuth 1.0a, which the Chrome API does not support. In particular, it seems that the URL:
requires an oauth_verifier parameter (not in OAuth 1.0), which I don't have (not provided by the Chrome API).
So, I am instead using:
which is what I've been using all along, and it still works fine.
My question is: Will OAuth 1.0 continue to be supported?
requires an oauth_verifier parameter (not in OAuth 1.0), which I don't have (not provided by the Chrome API).
So, I am instead using:
which is what I've been using all along, and it still works fine.
My question is: Will OAuth 1.0 continue to be supported?
Yes, for the foreseeable future we will continue supporting OAuth 1.0 and we will provide plenty of notice when/if we decide to stop supporting it.
SmugMug Product Manager