Rocky shoreline
This was shot recently in the Acadia National Park on Maine's southern shore....a visually stunning place.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Thomson, Ga. USA
I tell you, Orv, if you ever make it to there, you'll be glad you made the effort.
Thanks for looking in, take care,
Talk about a marriage made in heaven.....Acadia National Park and you, Taz. I'd damn near ( damn NEAR, mind you ) pay for the trip just to get you there. Give you a week to meander around the Park and the adjoining Maine territory and there's no telling how many masterpieces you could produce. The photo ops are endless.
See you,
Nice composition Tom
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Thanks, Rags, for the visit and your support.
Take care,
All I know, David, is that I've never seen such an array of rocky shorelines as afforded by that area. I spent the better part of a day riding most every road on Mt. Desert Island. The Park, of course, is unforgettable but the rest of that island offers magnificent scenes everywhere you look. A photographers' paradise.
See you,