Vapourer Moth Larva
I made an after breakfast visit to the bottom of my garden to find some flies which would not be around in the heat of the day. They were absent but I did find this caterpillar enjoying the sun on a leaf of an ornamental flowering currant bush. Later in the day I found it again, this time on a twig, under the cover of leaves.
In this species the adult female is wingless, so any dispersion is at the larval stage.
Care has to be taken with exposure, as the tufts of hairs are a delicate yellow. These have been cropped to various degrees.
EM-1, Kiron 105, f16, twin TTL flash, hand-held.

The end.
In this species the adult female is wingless, so any dispersion is at the larval stage.
Care has to be taken with exposure, as the tufts of hairs are a delicate yellow. These have been cropped to various degrees.
EM-1, Kiron 105, f16, twin TTL flash, hand-held.

The end.
First 3 shot are fantastic!
For 4th one, I would have kept only bottom 3rd of the image.....the out of focus area is way too much and getting first attention.....don't think that was the objective there.....
#5 and #6 are similar so I would have kept one.....#6 for me....
Last couple are muddled and soft so I wouldn't have presented them so focus remains on best of the wow viewer.....not tire them out....
Justing giving away the secrets......
I like the effect. The sharp parts of an image are not the whole story.
I tend to agree but left the choice in.
Not from where I am looking. They show what I want them, the tail tuft in the last one, to but your opinions are always welcome. Thanks for taking the time.
If you have better ideas, all the power to you.......I will cease and desist.
Brian v.
Keep the opinions coming. There are many options when choosing and presenting images. Sometimes I incorporate ideas from others but the bottom line is that I have to please myself.
To some, the image is all-important. To me, the subject behind the image, and its circumstances, are also of importance and I hope to convey some of that as well as shapes and colours in a rectangle.
Thanks, Brian.
Sometimes, I have to wake up at 3:00am, drive for couple of hours, then climb a hill with gear, then both wind and sand blowing, stand on either edge of cliff or slippery rocks, then get blah light and do what I can with it, then get back, spend hours processing it.
Then I post it and no one gives a damn about it, and then there are obvious flaws in it.
I used to be like that I worked so hard for it, so I am going to force it on you anyway.......
But then I realized that only GOOD IMAGES have any viewing value......whatever else goes behind it, or whatever I was trying to convey, means nothing to anyone else, unless image is GOOD.
So yeah, pleasing oneself is important, but obviously you are sharing these with the world, so you DO want to share....
When people see them they would have their reaction to it....
You can either benefit from them or ignore them....
My advice is to try and create great pays to listen to what others are saying.......
Easy to ignore.....if I spend energy and time saying something it is becaus I care....
A "good" image is still only one of many choices of how to shoot and process that subject. It is open to comment but there are limits to how many options can be taken up. One strategy is to present a set of images of the same subject. There is the danger that casual viewers may then ignore some of the images but does that matter?
On the host website for my images there is a view count. My image topics regularly get accumulated 500+ views, one currently standing at 900. For the majority, I have no idea what the reception of the images was because the viewer did not comment. Who knows what the majority taste is? Of course I take more interest in comments from those from members who also upload their own images, as I view those daily.
McDonald's is popular too....
I don't think my images are likely to poison anyone!