Xiphydria prolongata Willow Wood Wasp

e6filmusere6filmuser Registered Users Posts: 3,379 Major grins
edited July 29, 2016 in Holy Macro
Last year I was photographing something else on a Pussy Willow stump when a female of one of these wriggled into sight. I grabbed some shots, not knowing how long it would stay.

I have found one again, this time it was resting, motionless, under a dead Goldenrod stem. (The Goldenrod plants actually grow around the same tree stump). It was about 45% to the horizontal and in shadow.

Here, I show two new shots (Kiron 105mm f16) and two shots from last year (Printing Nikkor 105mm f11) .I don't know where the bokeh effect came from in the second image but I quite like it.

EM-1, twin flash, hand-held.

I thought I may have posted the 2015 images under the wrong name but that was a file name error.







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