Mt. Whitney Snapshots

I did a quick 2-day trip to hike Mt. Whitney with a couple of friends. At 14,500', it's the highest mountain in the contiguous 48 states. Given we had to do 22 difficult miles in 2 days, I decided to forego my usual DSLRs and bought a new Sony RX100 IV the day before the trip. This little pocket beast has a 1" full-frame sensor. So I put that bad boy in RAW mode to see what it would do.
1 We camped out at 12,000', woke up at 4am to depart for the summit, and was treated to this view of our destination.

The previous photo is a bit soft because I had the camera in P mode and it chose lousy settings. Plus I didn't yet know how to aim the autofocus (I do now). I did take subsequent shots that came out sharper, but I like this comp the best.
2 Headlamps from others making the trek..

3 The sun rose while we were still working our way up the initial front face of the mountain.

4 Dawn light on the mountain (the trail goes to the left)

5 Eventually you pass through an opening to the back side of the mountain ridge at a place called Trail Crest, with a completely new view. Another hiker used my camera to snap this shot of me overlooking Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks as a return favor for doing the same for him.


6 Watch out for aggressive panhandlers who have been known to bore holes in your pack while you rest.


8 Notch between the towers revealing the view from the front side as seen from the backside.


10 Still a bit of snow...

11 Made it! Views from the top...




15 Descending back down to base camp, the clouds moved in. It's not good to be on the summit during a storm due to lightning danger, so it's a good thing we started early.

So all in all, not bad for a tiny little P&S I thought. And no dust spots to correct! :clap

More photos from the trip here if you want to have a look.
Thanks for looking.
1 We camped out at 12,000', woke up at 4am to depart for the summit, and was treated to this view of our destination.

The previous photo is a bit soft because I had the camera in P mode and it chose lousy settings. Plus I didn't yet know how to aim the autofocus (I do now). I did take subsequent shots that came out sharper, but I like this comp the best.
2 Headlamps from others making the trek..

3 The sun rose while we were still working our way up the initial front face of the mountain.

4 Dawn light on the mountain (the trail goes to the left)

5 Eventually you pass through an opening to the back side of the mountain ridge at a place called Trail Crest, with a completely new view. Another hiker used my camera to snap this shot of me overlooking Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks as a return favor for doing the same for him.


6 Watch out for aggressive panhandlers who have been known to bore holes in your pack while you rest.


8 Notch between the towers revealing the view from the front side as seen from the backside.


10 Still a bit of snow...

11 Made it! Views from the top...




15 Descending back down to base camp, the clouds moved in. It's not good to be on the summit during a storm due to lightning danger, so it's a good thing we started early.

So all in all, not bad for a tiny little P&S I thought. And no dust spots to correct! :clap

More photos from the trip here if you want to have a look.
Thanks for looking.
Link to my Smugmug site
#2 and 3 jumped out at me, love those shots.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Images in the Backcountry
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#3 and #15 are my faves!
Link to my Smugmug site
Link to my Smugmug site
Link to my Smugmug site
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Great set of images in your gallery too, kdog!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
The camera you have is always the best one to have.
Any skypilots still blooming?
You should work for the tourist board, would love to go there!