Folder structure upload
How do I upload the folder structure to SmugMug?
Is it supported by standard web upload? I had no luck with that. I'm using Linux, but I can consider uploading from Windows if really necessary.
My photos are already organized and creating the folders and galleries in smugmug is out of question for me in this case.
How do I upload the folder structure to SmugMug?
Is it supported by standard web upload? I had no luck with that. I'm using Linux, but I can consider uploading from Windows if really necessary.
My photos are already organized and creating the folders and galleries in smugmug is out of question for me in this case.
SmugMug Support Hero
Do you see Smugmug doing this anytime soon? Manually uploading 1000's of photos into hundreds of galleries almost every weekend that I have to create and then wait for the photos to upload into is KILLING me. Yes, I shrink them but 50 photos into a gallery per client x 200-300 clients is very time consuming. I used to use StarExplorer and I was forced to change my Smugmug website over so StarExplorer is no longer supported. I want my life back.
The best option at this time in my opinion is using Picbackman since they allow uploading your directory structure.
SmugMug Support Hero
I tried it but I can't figure out how to specify where the photos go. It just uploads them to an "other" folder and creates a photo gallery for every single photo.
You need to purchase the 'Platinum' level in order to keep your directory structure.
SmugMug Support Hero
Can anyone confirm this? When I visit their page it says: Replicate actual folder structure.... Actual structure isn't supported for Smugmug
I don't want to pay for the package and not have it be able to replicate my directory structure. I've tried about every other option I can find on the apps page, but most of them died when the API changed.
I am Saurav from the PicBackMan team. We have just released a new SmugMug-only uploader called Mambo where in addition to all PicBackMan features we have also added FULL SUPPORT FOR (1) Replicating actual folder structure and (2) Defining destination album.
You can download Mambo here:
So you can use Mambo to upload your actual folder structure to your SmugMug account. Please let me know if you face any problems. You can email us at
We have implemented Folder Structure for Smugmug using PicBackMan as it was a highly requested feature by our users. So now using PicBackMan (for both Windows and Mac) you can upload photos and videos to your Smugmug Account maintaining folder heirarchy. Attached along is the image which shows a sample heirarchy created by PicBackMan.
Just make sure you are using PicBackMan windows version Build 98 or higher and / or PicBackMan Mac version Build 34 or higher.
Also PicBackMan has implemented Smugmug V2 API for this which will enable its users to utilize full feature of this rich API.
See attached image for reference.
Thanks for the update, I just tested it out. One caveat for everyone to know is that Picbackman always syncs the 'Associated Photo Folder' to a top level folder in Smugmug.
So if you have a local PC archive of structure c:\Photos\Family Photos\2016, and c:\Photos\Family Photos\2015 and you set The Associated folder to c:\Photos\Family Photos, but want to put them into Smugmug under a structure of "Restricted Access\Smith Family Photos\{yyyy}", you can't. It will only put them into "Family Photos\{yyyy}.
Sure you can move the uploaded content, but once it's moved, there's no ability to resync, or have it continue to monitor for new folders under the given year. This also causes my sync structure to be much larger than necessary (watching 2015 and earlier years). I really only want picbackman to actively sync the current year, 2016, and leave 2015 alone once it's been uploaded. But if I point PicbackMan just to the 2016 folder, it puts it up on smugmug's root directory as 2016; not under the desired Smith Family Photos\2016 location.
Picbackman is close, and appears to be the only viable option for bulk directory uploads. However, it still needs the ability to specify a destination for each associated Photo folder that is synced. It would also be nice if it would handle pic and video syncs without requiring duplicate configurations; one for pics and one for videos.
Do let us know if you have further suggestions on this.