Bug odds and sods 27-07

Some recent mixed bug shots from the garden. Natural light shots 600D/sigma 105 OS. Others 5Dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash. Many have been focus stacked using zerene.
Brian v.
A tired and hungry honey bee refuelling on my finger - natural light

Hoverfly Myathropa florea on potentilla - natural light

Hawker dragonfly - natural light

Digger wasp Crossocerus sp with fly prey

Small hoverfly feeding

Can we at least talk about it ?

Hawker dragonfly portrait
Brian v.
A tired and hungry honey bee refuelling on my finger - natural light

Hoverfly Myathropa florea on potentilla - natural light

Hawker dragonfly - natural light

Digger wasp Crossocerus sp with fly prey

Small hoverfly feeding

Can we at least talk about it ?

Hawker dragonfly portrait

Some of these exceed even your usual, high standards.
I think your Hawker has to be a female Blue/Southern Hawker but it looks rather plump.
Thanks for the comments and info SB and Harold - appreciated
Brian V.