Mini Challenge #230 ~ Parks and Rec., RESULTS

Thanks to everyone who submitted images for this Mini, it was a nicely varied group of people and places...humor too!
Many of the places shown reminded me to finally visit, or return to them; Europe, Bolsa Chicka, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Mesa Verde etc...
Cheers and Good Shooting folks!
grandmaR: A charming group of folks having fun outdoors. I actually like the last shot - I wish I could still do that!
Jeff: Beautiful shots in Yosemite... and that Bolsa Chica sun, birds, and orange sky - WOW!
Tatiana: Cool, I really like the 2nd and 3rd - great catch on the Glass Bottom Boat...looks like fun!
Sara: Your regional scenes and bicycle adventures always look inviting and fun... nice work, and the B&W... WOW, I love it!
Pieter: Super candid shots... A nice story told in each - recreation comes in many forms!
GSWayne: Two very wild and exotic locations... cool shots, and nice work getting there!
Jo: Love the bright, fantasy colors in the first two shots and the YNP classic view in B&W looks rich and vintage... nice!
Gretchen: All three are lovely landscape scenes... Joshua Tree is the winner for me, and I've been to the Alaskan glaciers too - what an amazing place in-person!
Honorable Mentions:
grandmaR - The Dune Roller... I know, not entered, but I like it!

GSWayne - Lava Falls... Unless you've done it, you can't know what a wild ride that is!

Third Place: Jo - Nevada County Fair fun in the bubble.
Such an unexpected and fun activity! Love the colors, and I wish I could do this too!

Second Place: Sara - Dordogne and Vézère
This is a very nicely-done candid capture... composition, lighting, such a charming story... I love it!

First Place: Gretchen - Joshua Tree N.P.
This colorful, balanced shot of Joshua Tree is my winner for a couple of reasons; I was just there earlier this year, so, I have a fondness and affinity for this scene...
also, I generally never like landscape compositions presented in portrait aspect... it's just my personal preference...
but, I've looked at this image for quite a while, and from the first, I thought it worked well ... and so, it really impressed me - beautiful!
Congrats Gretchen, you're up!
Many of the places shown reminded me to finally visit, or return to them; Europe, Bolsa Chicka, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Mesa Verde etc...
Cheers and Good Shooting folks!
grandmaR: A charming group of folks having fun outdoors. I actually like the last shot - I wish I could still do that!
Jeff: Beautiful shots in Yosemite... and that Bolsa Chica sun, birds, and orange sky - WOW!
Tatiana: Cool, I really like the 2nd and 3rd - great catch on the Glass Bottom Boat...looks like fun!
Sara: Your regional scenes and bicycle adventures always look inviting and fun... nice work, and the B&W... WOW, I love it!
Pieter: Super candid shots... A nice story told in each - recreation comes in many forms!
GSWayne: Two very wild and exotic locations... cool shots, and nice work getting there!
Jo: Love the bright, fantasy colors in the first two shots and the YNP classic view in B&W looks rich and vintage... nice!
Gretchen: All three are lovely landscape scenes... Joshua Tree is the winner for me, and I've been to the Alaskan glaciers too - what an amazing place in-person!
Honorable Mentions:
grandmaR - The Dune Roller... I know, not entered, but I like it!
GSWayne - Lava Falls... Unless you've done it, you can't know what a wild ride that is!

Third Place: Jo - Nevada County Fair fun in the bubble.
Such an unexpected and fun activity! Love the colors, and I wish I could do this too!

Second Place: Sara - Dordogne and Vézère
This is a very nicely-done candid capture... composition, lighting, such a charming story... I love it!

First Place: Gretchen - Joshua Tree N.P.
This colorful, balanced shot of Joshua Tree is my winner for a couple of reasons; I was just there earlier this year, so, I have a fondness and affinity for this scene...
also, I generally never like landscape compositions presented in portrait aspect... it's just my personal preference...
but, I've looked at this image for quite a while, and from the first, I thought it worked well ... and so, it really impressed me - beautiful!
Congrats Gretchen, you're up!

Eric ~ Smugmug
Gretchen, I'm looking forward to the next challenge!
--- Sara
Congratulations to Sara and Jo and all the others who participated!
My SmugMug Galleries
Congratulation Gretchen - very nice image
Also congratulations to Sara and Jo ...... Facebook
My SmugMug Galleries
The winning shot - such saturated colors and it is just a great photo.
And congrats to Gretchen for winning as well as Sara, Jo, GSWayne and grandmaR for the other places and HM's.
This was a fun one, with many good entries, so definitely looking forward to what Gretchen comes up with for the next one :ivar
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