Publish to Facebook
Registered Users Posts: 165 Major grins
When i want to Share a Picture in Facebook, the general link appears but not the picture itself. What is it that i do wrong? :wink
It is all about this Galery
It is all about this Galery
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Hello, :thumb Mi Smug :
Hello, :thumb Mi Smug :
It is working fine, only not for this one (the bees)
Hello, :thumb Mi Smug :
SmugMug Support Hero
2/ Select Social
3/ Click on Facebook.
No picture here, only the link.
Hello, :thumb Mi Smug :
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But please don't break your head about that little problem. The other picture working fine.
Thank You for the replay.
Hello, :thumb Mi Smug :
Try sharing this link again,, on Facebook. I tested it just now and did see it, so you should too. I had to have Facebook scrape the link so it would show the photo. If that happens in the future with another link, go to this link on Facebook and scrape the link:
I'm just wondering whether the problem described here (by Erik & Allen) is typical behavior in these FB gallery shares? I haven't used Publish to FB in awhile (not even sure if this is the same thing) and want to have a smooth post as it'll be wedding photos. I'd like to know what to expect. The problem I'm talking about is the one where the 2nd photo in a gallery (if it has been previously selected as the feature photo for that gallery) won't show up in the FB post.... Chasing Daylight, when you say you've fixed it, do you mean you've only fixed it for Erik's gallery or post, or are you fixing it for everyone, if it's something that's been happening?
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Sometimes if there is an issue like mentioned above, we just have to use the Facebook debugging tool to help update links with Facebook. Here is a link to that so you can use it if you run into any similar issues.
If you have any other questions about that, please let us know.
SmugMug Support Hero
The picture is showing up. Works fine for the moment.
Hello, :thumb Mi Smug :
Also, I'm not hearing an answer to my question about the underlying problem. It sounds like this is something that happens only when the 2nd photo in the gallery has been pre-chosen as the "Feature Photo". Is this correct? Furthermore, if that's so, is there something SmugMug could do to fix it now, instead of our needing to go to some debugging link (& 1st find it buried somewhere here in the forums) after the fact?! I think I've seen this issue crop up for a long time now...
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
The debugger just helps clear Facebooks cache so that it crawls your site again to index that new information or update you've made. So if you have one feature image and then change it to another, Facebook doesn't always have that information right away. Using that link clears out the old information and then looks for the new updated information. As for the initial question, I'm not aware of that being an outstanding issue.
If you do see it arise again, before debugging the link, just let us know at and we can look into it for you. But I'm not aware of a regular issue with that.
If you have more questions about that, please let us know.
SmugMug Support Hero
The Feature Image works exactly as it should, for any Feature Photo. There's nothing about the second image that works differently from the first, third, fourth, etc.
To expand on what Josie wrote.... Facebook tries to be smart with regards to links. Imagine someone posts a link to a front page article on the New York Times. A few seconds later another person posts a link to the same article. Within minutes hundreds of thousands of people post that same article. Every time someone posts that link, Facebook could reach out to the New York Times and grab the details about that link. That would be extremely repetitive and wasteful on their part (and very costly). So what they do instead, is they "cache" or save the information the first time someone posts the link. The next time someone posts it, they already retrieved all the information, so they just use what they previously saved.
The same thing happens with SmugMug photos. If you had PhotoABC as your Feature Image and you, or someone else shares a link to the Gallery, Facebook looks at SmugMug and see's PhotoABC as the image and saves that. Any time someone shares a link on Facebook in the future, Facebook checks its database and dispalys PhotoABC, even if you've changed the Feature Image to PhotoXYZ.
Enter the "debugging tool." The debugging tool on Facebook lets you tell Facebook that you want it to delete what it had stored, and re-get the information about the link. So if you ever share a link on facebook, then change the Feature Image, and you want facebook to fix the Feature Image, you'll need to go debug the link and tell facebook to re-download the information.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Well, I published a gallery to FaceBook today using the "Publish" tool, & I've been unsuccessful in getting my featured photo to appear in the post. But I think we've been conflating various methods of posting to FB in this thread? And yes, I had already chosen a featured photo awhile before I tried to publish the gallery / album, refreshed, etc. I hadn't ever had a different one, either. Same featured photo from the beginning. My method: I didn't just paste a link into FB. I used the method where you go into the organizer while in the gallery you want to share. I hit the "Select All" button, de-selected the photos I didn't want included on FB, then the "Share" option was lit up, so I hit that & chose "Publish", which brought me to FB Publish, where I entered an album name & description, etc. When I hit "done", it wasn't long before I saw on FB that the post was there. There's my album title & description & several photos in the post. But my featured photo isn't one of them.
I even went into the album on FB & edited it, choosing the option for the photo I wanted as the "Album Cover" as it's called on FB. It still doesn't show up in the post. If I go to my "Albums" on FB, yes, that photo is now the thumb for the album. I also tried the debugging thing, although I don't think it's really meant for this exact issue. I think the others in this thread were sharing to FB in a slightly different way, by sharing a link to a photo or link to an album.
Incidentally, I had to paste in several different links before anything would even get scraped or crawled again, because the instructions in this thread never said exactly what to paste in. I finally went back here to my SmugMug gallery & pasted in that link & told to to "Scrape again", & then on that debug page, the featured photo I wanted showed up right away as a thumb. BUT it doesn't show up on my profile (timeline). Bummers.
So does anyone know a foolproof way to get a gallery's feature photo to show up in the post when you do "Publish" to FaceBook? I'm also very disappointed with the results of Publish to FB since the site changed over. There are no links anywhere to my gallery on SmugMug, only to SmugMug's homepage (not mine). So there's no way for a person to opt to visit my gallery to see more, buy prints, download, etc. Also, when entering an album title & description, we used to have the option to just use the ones we had here on SmugMug. Nope, I had to back out & copy & paste them in. There are also no tagging options, & no option to have a gallery or photo link in its caption on FB, etc. etc.
I can't even edit my post on FB the way I usually can. There's no edit option at all. (I thiought by editing, I could perhaps edit it to include a link to my gallery on my SmugMug site, but I can't do that either). I sure hope there will be some improvements to this tool, as we're now stuck with tool that has few options, & is harder to use than the one we had on our old sites.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
There's a number of things here at play There's a big difference between "Sharing" to Facebook and "Publishing" to Facebook. Sharing a link to your SmugMug site is exactly that, FB gets a link to your smugmug site and pulls all its necessary information from what SmugMug provides to FB. "Publishing" to Facebook is very different; we take your photos and actually upload them to Facebook. From there, it's on Facebook to control what to do with them. They're no longer on SmugMug and Facebook sees them as if you had just taken the JPG's and uploaded them directly to FB.
Since you've now posted images to FB (they're no longer pointing to SM), setting the FB "Album Cover" would be the proper way to set its main featured photo. It's out of our hands at this point, since you did a "publish" and FB is using its own photos/Albums tools to do all the work.
I really wish there was something we could do about that. We used to have all of those features you asked for but Facebook changed their policies and no longer allows any of that. We are not allowed to add links, link back to anywhere, or automatically tag for you. Facebook should read the Title/Caption of the photo from your metadata in your photo, but that's about all we can do. I always encourage SmugMuggers to write in to Facebook and let your voice be heard - let them know you'd like us to be able to add links for you!
My recommendation would be to take the URL from your SmugMug site and just paste it as a link into Facebook. Should work every time and I never have any problems! Worst case, you may be to use the tool if you (or one of your visitors) had previously shared a link with the wrong Feature Image, but that should be infrequent.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: