Perseids 2016

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Two backpacking trips and shooting several events has pretty much consumed me for the past few weeks. I did manage to slip out Wednesday night, drove to Glacier Point in Yosemite, shot the Perseid Meteor Shower all night and drove home Thursday morning after a quick cat-nap in the car. The display was incredible, I saw hundreds of meteors and caught probably close to 100 on camera. There were several large fireball meteors which I only caught pieces of. Quite frustrating, and not worth showing.
I'll start with the last photo first, just so you don't miss it: Sunrise over Yosemite Valley.

Ok, on to a few meteor shots...

2 That's of course Half Dome on the horizon


4 This is a composite of several meteors

And finally, the movie.
A timelapse of around 2,000 photos. I recommend watching this directly on YouTube (click on the YouTube logo) and making it LARGE.
Direct link on YouTube:
Thanks for looking!
I'll start with the last photo first, just so you don't miss it: Sunrise over Yosemite Valley.

Ok, on to a few meteor shots...

2 That's of course Half Dome on the horizon


4 This is a composite of several meteors

And finally, the movie.

A timelapse of around 2,000 photos. I recommend watching this directly on YouTube (click on the YouTube logo) and making it LARGE.
Direct link on YouTube:
Thanks for looking!
I enjoyed your meteor shots too, especially since it was too cloudy where I live to view them. The composite is very cool.
I'm not able to see the time-lapse & didn't see a youtube link to click.
Sherry P.
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Your composite of the meteor streams, is facing approximately North East?
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Beautiful work all-around Joel!!
Is that the Orion Nebula near the left edge of meteor shot #1?... cool.
Thanks so much, Mike!
Thanks very much, Mike. Have a great trip. Wish I could have spent more time there.
Thanks, Jim! Half Dome is almost exactly northeast of Glacier Point, so that view in the composite is just about due east. I should probably get off my lazy butt and make another composite for the NE view as well.
Aw shucks, Eric. You're always too kind. Good question about that blob on the left edge being the Orion Nebula. Looks about right to me, but I'm no astronomer. There was a fellow there with the most amazing app on his phone. He pointed it at the sky and it showed the image of the sky like it was a camera, but it connected the stars to show the constellations and put labels on them. Incredible! Maybe someone knows the name of it. I will buy it.
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I'm not sure if the star app your fellow photographer had is the same one that I have, but it sounds like it. It is called "Star Walk 2" and it was free. I have an Android phone, so I'm not sure if it is available for the iphones. You have to turn on location, but then all you have to do is point the phone at the sky and it will show you the constellations and where the Milky Way is. It is a pretty cool app and I used it to try my first star shots recently. I took a workshop from David Akoubian ( and this is the app he recommended. He also named an app for the iphone, but I didn't write it down because I didn't need to know it. (Sorry!)
Sherry P.
Thanks, Tom! DL Sounds is great. I stumbled on them by googling for space music. Free downloads and no license restrictions at all, which seems really strange. I gave them the music credit, even though it wasn't required! They deserve our support.
Thanks VERY much Len.
Thanks, Sherry! I downloaded Star Walk 2. Can't wait to try it out.
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Sky Guide might be the other one David Akoubian mentioned? It is another popular stargazing app, and I've been using it for a couple of years. Very helpful when visiting the southern hemisphere. This summer, I found that one can go back in time to look at the sky a previous evening. Made it easier to help a grandson work on an astronomy scout merit badge.
Looking at the reviews, I might download Star Walk 2 as well!
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