First Real Print

So I'm going to get this printed, mounted and framed at a good lab. Still not finished working on it there's a few spots I need to fix. I have a buyer that wants 3 prints but I'm not exactly sure what to charge her. What is a fair price for prints these days? This will be 30"x10", its really crisp at that size and you can read the text on the buildings ect. This is my first attempt to try to sell some of my work so I have a lot to learn.
I really loved this shot as the slight breeze coupled with a slower shutter speed made the water come out perfect. Looks dreamy and cool to me. Took me a few shots to get the shutter speed right but I liked this. Two frame panorama cropped for 3:1 format.
This second shot is one of my favorite sunsets from Coronado, CA taken this winter.
The rays were screaming through the clouds that day. I'm also going to print this one larger, at about 30"x20" and I have a buyer lined up for it. Again, I'm not sure what to charge her.

Please report back on what you sell it for though, quite interested to know!
I can shoot technically good headshots ect or I can shoot stuff with dramatic lighting and try and be artistic. More times people like the artistic stuff, but then again the people I'm dealing with aren't photographers
It's probably my monitor. Not sure I'm calibrating right. The first print came out ok though I did see some stuff right away that needs to be fixed before I print the other 3
Updated image. Didn't add much saturation, in the single digits. And I fixed some hot spots around the buildings where I burned them in a 1/3 stop.
Beautiful images by the way!!
Question: are you sending you photo to the printer as RGB jpeg or CMYK tiff, and is the printer using a 3-color or 4-color process? If you are sending a RGB jpg and they are converting and printing using CMYK then this could easily cause the colors to seem dull when printed. When I print my annual calendars I know the printer uses a CMYK process. I convert the photos to CMYK in Photoshop and readjust the color in the pictures.
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