chasing butterflies

denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,419 moderator
edited September 18, 2016 in Other Cool Shots
When I found myself in a garden focusing on following a butterfly as it flitted between brightly colored flowers I knew a trip to a butterfly conservatory was in my future.

1) Captured in the gardens of The Stevens-Coolidge Place, a garden my camera and I visit often. I think this may be a Tiger Swallowtail.

There is a small butterfly conservatory fairly close to home but the one I am happiest visiting is Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory & Gardens in South Deerfield, MA. It usually takes me just under two hours to get there; I time my drive to arrive close to opening time in the hopes of having some quiet time with the butterflies. Friday it took a little longer because I didn't realize that the bridge leading over the Connecticut River (turning south from Route 2) in Turners Falls was closed. Oops!

Once I arrived and entered the conservatory I was quite happy to stand still for a bit, watching the beautiful butterflies.

2) a glasswing butterfly

3) wings wearing bright blue! I'm sorry I wasn't able to capture this one from a better angle - unfortunately I wasn't able to wish myself taller.

4) Cairns Birdwing butterfly

5) a parrot eating and guarding his territory

6) a fan of green

7) a blue morpho butterfly, wings open. The other side of its wings are patterned in brown.

8) malachite butterfly. I always seem to see these hanging upside down.

9) a beauty in orange and black. This one didn't care to share a name with me!

10) a monarch in the garden outside

If you're interested in seeing more butterflies (and a few flowers too), please visit the gallery butterflies :: 2016.

--- Denise


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