Thanks for looking Sara, always appreciate you perceptions!
Not all compositions (in-fact most won't) will benefit from absolute symmetry...
This one I thought would... so, as you noticed, I tried to achieve that... with only the humans breaking the symmetry... as they so often do!
Cool capture. Symmetry works really well here. Curious as to the width of the lens.
Two thoughts... Have you considered cropping the top bright sill? Scrolling it off screen takes away the "distraction" but really makes a narrow area between the posts and the edge. I love the dark mysterious areas to the sides but dislike the "muddiness" of the skin tones. Wondering if selective use of color sliders here might enhance their complexions.
Cool capture. Symmetry works really well here. Curious as to the width of the lens.
Two thoughts... Have you considered cropping the top bright sill? Scrolling it off screen takes away the "distraction" but really makes a narrow area between the posts and the edge. I love the dark mysterious areas to the sides but dislike the "muddiness" of the skin tones. Wondering if selective use of color sliders here might enhance their complexions.
Nice shot Eric! I agree with Rainbow on cropping the top slightly.
Cool capture. Symmetry works really well here. Curious as to the width of the lens.
Two thoughts... Have you considered cropping the top bright sill? Scrolling it off screen takes away the "distraction" but really makes a narrow area between the posts and the edge. I love the dark mysterious areas to the sides but dislike the "muddiness" of the skin tones. Wondering if selective use of color sliders here might enhance their complexions.
Hi rainbow! Thanks for commenting - nice to hear from you!!
Great suggestions, thanks!
I had left the sill in for that reason, but I think it turned-out well-enough in the revision.
I re-worked it using your ideas, and added a bit more contrast... and, I think it looks much better! Wha-da-ya-think?
Technical: 5DIII ~ EF 24-105mm f4L @ 24mm ~ f4 ~ ISO 2000 ~ 1/60 sec.
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited August 28, 2016
Nice shot, Eric. I, too, favor the revised image. You've always worked well with architectural studies. And, as you say, we rarely get a chance to work with perfect symmetry. You made good use of this opportunity.
Take care,
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Nice shot, Eric. I, too, favor the revised image. You've always worked well with architectural studies. And, as you say, we rarely get a chance to work with perfect symmetry. You made good use of this opportunity.
Take care,
Thank-you Sir!... I think I'm just lucky that I was standing in the center... I can't remember making a point of it... CRS is here, I guess...
Hi Eric, just to chime in again... I actually prefer the original image. I liked the sill and the light of the window. Now I feel slightly claustrophobic. Still a great image tho' - just picking at hairs.
I've been on the road so I'm a little late to the party. The original isn't showing for me, but I do like the symmetry of the revised version. The tonality is fine.
Not all compositions (in-fact most won't) will benefit from absolute symmetry...
This one I thought would... so, as you noticed, I tried to achieve that... with only the humans breaking the symmetry... as they so often do!
Two thoughts... Have you considered cropping the top bright sill? Scrolling it off screen takes away the "distraction" but really makes a narrow area between the posts and the edge. I love the dark mysterious areas to the sides but dislike the "muddiness" of the skin tones. Wondering if selective use of color sliders here might enhance their complexions.
My Gallery
Nice shot Eric! I agree with Rainbow on cropping the top slightly.
Hi rainbow! Thanks for commenting - nice to hear from you!!
Great suggestions, thanks!
I had left the sill in for that reason, but I think it turned-out well-enough in the revision.
I re-worked it using your ideas, and added a bit more contrast... and, I think it looks much better! Wha-da-ya-think?
Technical: 5DIII ~ EF 24-105mm f4L @ 24mm ~ f4 ~ ISO 2000 ~ 1/60 sec.
I'm very happy to have caught your eye... I'm a huge fan of your work Sir!...
Hi Cristóbal! Thanks very much!
I like the re-work better!
Take care,