X-Pan 90 on A7R: Sunflower
I recently showed what the Nikkor 24mm could do at its closest working distance of a foot (30cm) on full frame. Another lens, which shares thesame working distance, and , as I found, the same closest FOV, is the XPan 90m.
I have used this lens for moderate macro, sometimes with a Marumi supplementary, on m4/3 but this is the first venture into FF. It is rather close in FL to my Kiron 105 but is a quality lens and may have applications. (I can carry only so many lenses!).
The sunflowers are the same ones used for the 24mm shots. The sunlight was much the same but with the sun further to the left. In this particular circumstance I was able to be safely on the ground, rather than balancing on a stool next to a green house. The lens is of the same focal length of many FF portrait lenses and gives a more normal perspective than the 24mm,
The closest shot, with crosseye stereo, was not shot as a stereo pair but my several attempts at framing came up with a pair as good as I might have intended.
There has been some digital moderation of shadows.
A7R (manual mode), X-Pan f4 90mm 1/1250 at f16, hand-held.

I have used this lens for moderate macro, sometimes with a Marumi supplementary, on m4/3 but this is the first venture into FF. It is rather close in FL to my Kiron 105 but is a quality lens and may have applications. (I can carry only so many lenses!).
The sunflowers are the same ones used for the 24mm shots. The sunlight was much the same but with the sun further to the left. In this particular circumstance I was able to be safely on the ground, rather than balancing on a stool next to a green house. The lens is of the same focal length of many FF portrait lenses and gives a more normal perspective than the 24mm,
The closest shot, with crosseye stereo, was not shot as a stereo pair but my several attempts at framing came up with a pair as good as I might have intended.
There has been some digital moderation of shadows.
A7R (manual mode), X-Pan f4 90mm 1/1250 at f16, hand-held.