Blue or Southern Hawker Aeshna affinis Male
Yesterday this dragon flew past me as I went about a task in the garden. It was a dull day with rain at times and I did not expect to see this individual again. On the contrary, I had the longest session ever with my camera and a dragonfly.
It settled in two places at about my knee height, allowing me to take a few shots. Then it went to a position, a little above my head height, where it remained for half an hour or more. I had to stand on a garden stool on uneven ground, the resulting wobbles losing many shots. Rain drove me indoors twice. If that was not bad enough, my fill flash batteries emptied after a couple of shots. These are images from when I returned, with fresh batteries in both flash guns. The earlier ones require close examination but the best will be posted later in the week.
EM-1, manual mode, Kiron 105, f16, twin TTL RC flash, hand-held.
The stereo is crosseye.

It settled in two places at about my knee height, allowing me to take a few shots. Then it went to a position, a little above my head height, where it remained for half an hour or more. I had to stand on a garden stool on uneven ground, the resulting wobbles losing many shots. Rain drove me indoors twice. If that was not bad enough, my fill flash batteries emptied after a couple of shots. These are images from when I returned, with fresh batteries in both flash guns. The earlier ones require close examination but the best will be posted later in the week.
EM-1, manual mode, Kiron 105, f16, twin TTL RC flash, hand-held.
The stereo is crosseye.