Smugmug image download through API OriginalUrl working for some and not for some

sujit1779sujit1779 Registered Users Posts: 46 Big grins

I have an application PicBackMan which allows user to download their Smugmug photos and videos locally to their machine.
It works on API provided by Smugmug, so what we do is, we call "smugmug.images.getInfo" method to retrieve URL of the image and store it somewhere. Later we use that URL to download images programatically (C#) through our application. Earlier it used to work flawlessly but now I think last few days for some its downloading and for some its not.
Have you guys changed something here?



  • gabbiegabbie Registered Users Posts: 66 Many Grins
    edited September 1, 2016
    PicBackMan is a popular app amongst our customers-thanks for your work on it! I don't know of any changes on our end that would have caused this, but we can do some investigation. Would you be able to send us some examples of URLs that aren't working for you?
    SmugMug Product Manager
  • sujit1779sujit1779 Registered Users Posts: 46 Big grins
    edited February 17, 2017
    Thanks Gabbie for the appreciation!

  • gabbiegabbie Registered Users Posts: 66 Many Grins
    edited September 8, 2016
    Hey Sujit
    Which version of the API are you using? We do have a way to get private images via the API, but you'll need to set your application up to use OAuth in order to do that.
    We have some information about using oAuth with the API in our documentation here:
    Twitter also has some great documentation and examples:

    To make oAuth requests, I highly recommend you find a stable oAuth library for the language you'll be working in. The oAuth spec is tricky and leveraging a library here will save you tons of headache. The docs for the oAuth library should guide you in making authenticated requests.
    SmugMug Product Manager
  • sujit1779sujit1779 Registered Users Posts: 46 Big grins
    edited September 12, 2016
    Hi Gabbie,

    I am using 1.3.0 version of API and below is the three steps I am following to get Original Url's of all the images a user has in Smugmug and I am getting it corectly (only issue is when I try to download those url's to save it on local machine it doesn't)

    List of albums

    List of Photos for any album

    Details of photo

    I am using oAuth to do all the above three steps. Can you guide me how can I download PRIVATE album photos using oAuth?

  • gibertigiberti Registered Users, Vanilla Admin Posts: 27 SmugMug Employee
    edited September 14, 2016
    Hi Sujit,

    Can you send an example URL to a specific image including the headers you are using to and I can look into this? If there is a bug we've introduced this will help me track it down.

    APIv2 and OAuth are your friend! Having issues? Just ask, I can help!
  • sujit1779sujit1779 Registered Users Posts: 46 Big grins
    edited February 17, 2017

    I just missed your reply so couldn't respond to you earlier. Sorry.
    Let me explain you further. I get image url something like and then what I do is simple use normal save method of .net to download the image.
    I have also mailed to the email address mentioned you as required.

  • gibertigiberti Registered Users, Vanilla Admin Posts: 27 SmugMug Employee
    edited September 29, 2016
    Hi Sujit,

    Thanks you! We've received your email and are looking into your issue. We'll respond directly there.

    APIv2 and OAuth are your friend! Having issues? Just ask, I can help!
  • sujit1779sujit1779 Registered Users Posts: 46 Big grins
    edited February 17, 2017
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