Hi there,
That information is part of the metadata of the original file that you uploaded to us and can't be edited after uploading. You might only be able to edit the information on your computer before uploading the photo to us. You could try right-clicking on a photo on your computer and then use the properties option to see if the info is displayed and is editable.
If not, you could only try to use your photo editing software to see if it allows you to edit the info.
Note that you may choose to not display the photo information on SmugMug by going to the gallery settings > appearance section and disabling the camera info setting.
That information is part of the metadata of the original file that you uploaded to us and can't be edited after uploading. You might only be able to edit the information on your computer before uploading the photo to us. You could try right-clicking on a photo on your computer and then use the properties option to see if the info is displayed and is editable.
If not, you could only try to use your photo editing software to see if it allows you to edit the info.
Note that you may choose to not display the photo information on SmugMug by going to the gallery settings > appearance section and disabling the camera info setting.
SmugMug Support Hero