Visible Folders
Hey guys
New to this forum and started yesterday with my 14 day trial of SM. I have looked at a few of the SM videos so manged to get along quite well. I am trying to get the architecture of the site correct at the moment before a full blown population of the site. I am a wildlife photographer from South Africa, my site will consist potentially of hundreds of interlinked pages as I try and write a little on each genre and species of bird and or mammal or Insect I photograph.
I have started with my root folder and in trying to keep some semblance of order in the folder structure I have created a folder called 'Bird Information' and under this folder I have currently created 3 pages 'African Barbets' 'Black-collared Barbets' and 'Crested Barbets'. I have as you will see under these 3 pages mentioned above.
My problem comes with the 'breadcrumbs'. If you are in say 'African Barbets' for instance and click on the 'bird information' breadcrumb it goes to the bird information folder (page) showing all three folders (potentially hundreds) which I don't really want to see. I have tried all options I think, of hiding them but logged in or out nothing still seems to make a difference they can still be seen and or the nothing can been seen when logged out and on a different computer. Is there anything I can do as I would like the breadcrumb 'bird Information' pointing back to if possible or I guess I hide the breadcrumb all together.
Thanks guys in advance. Apologises if I went on to long but I just :dunno
New to this forum and started yesterday with my 14 day trial of SM. I have looked at a few of the SM videos so manged to get along quite well. I am trying to get the architecture of the site correct at the moment before a full blown population of the site. I am a wildlife photographer from South Africa, my site will consist potentially of hundreds of interlinked pages as I try and write a little on each genre and species of bird and or mammal or Insect I photograph.
I have started with my root folder and in trying to keep some semblance of order in the folder structure I have created a folder called 'Bird Information' and under this folder I have currently created 3 pages 'African Barbets' 'Black-collared Barbets' and 'Crested Barbets'. I have as you will see under these 3 pages mentioned above.
My problem comes with the 'breadcrumbs'. If you are in say 'African Barbets' for instance and click on the 'bird information' breadcrumb it goes to the bird information folder (page) showing all three folders (potentially hundreds) which I don't really want to see. I have tried all options I think, of hiding them but logged in or out nothing still seems to make a difference they can still be seen and or the nothing can been seen when logged out and on a different computer. Is there anything I can do as I would like the breadcrumb 'bird Information' pointing back to if possible or I guess I hide the breadcrumb all together.
Thanks guys in advance. Apologises if I went on to long but I just :dunno
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- You have a folder "bird information" which includes all your bird pages
- And a bird information-page which you want to go to when you are clicking on the bread crump.
If that is correct: (at least after you have changed to the "paid version" of smugmug) you can change what your folder "bird information" is showing. Login to your site and go to Customize -> Content And Design when you are in that "bird information folder". In the menu on the right side choose "Just this Folder" so that your changes don't show in "All mammals". Then remove (garbage bin) the gallery-view and potentially folder and pages view from your "bird information folder" and add instead a HTML block which is a copy of your "Birds of Africa" page.
I have done something like that for my calendar it works pretty well
Good luck
Lille Ulven
Thanks Lille
How do I get a HTML block which is a copy of my "Birds of Africa" page.?
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Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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I think thats it yes an unlisted folder that the public cant see with public items in it. Sounds about right, what about the breadcrumb?
Thanks in advance
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Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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You copy your "Birds of Africa". Then you go to that folder, that you want to change and choose Customize -> Content And Design from the right menu choose "Just this Folder" than from the "Content"-tab further down in the right menu on the bottom you open the HTML-line and move the HTML block over to your folder-page where you want it to be displayed. It should open a "pop up" window with two tabs: HTML and CSS. Copy your code from that Birds of Africa page into the HTML tab and click OK. Then click Preview, to see if it works like you would like to have it. After that "Done" -> Publish Now.
Good luck
Lille Ulven
Sort of worked copied all the html and I have the side bars and all the social buttons on the page. Also I assume you cant remove the folders either? Which is my aim this should be hidden even though they have public elements in them
Thanks for trying to help though
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Lille Ulven
I liked your gallery customization at: Are you willing to share your CCS code where you hover over a gallery and you get a blue border and the photo appears to poppet. Thanks.