Adding titles uses odd font
It has been a while since I uploaded photos. I loaded two tonight and tried to add titles and captions. Unfortunately, the title font is different than that on all my old photos. Has a default font changed? How can I get it back? Also, the photo does not sort correctly when I choose sort by caption. What I want is to sort by title, and that's how all my old photos are sorted, but I don't see that option.
If you'd provide a link to your site we can take a look at the fonts used. You can always set the Fonts by editing your Theme (see help page here, though setting the fonts is a little buried in the page).
Also, Old SmugMug never displayed or used Titles - it always used Captions. Titles are new to the New SmugMug. You can sort by Filename or Caption, just as you could in the old SmugMug.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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