*Challenge21:Night working

So I posted a pic for the wide angle challenge, My View For The Summer, but did not enter it, here's my after sundown version of the shot, I had a shot for song titles but Flock Of Seagulls was a band not a song.

I Wanted to get The Darkness On The Edge Of Town maybe I'll save that for this Challenge

I Wanted to get The Darkness On The Edge Of Town maybe I'll save that for this Challenge

This is a cool shot. A very unusual perspective. I think it could benefit from a tiny bit more contrast.
Why didn't you enter that shot in wide angle? I remember it, it was good. Anyway, I just noticed this thread. I think this method of posting in your own thread is something we have to get used to. I've been online a number of times in the past 17 hours and didn't notice this. This time I scrolled down looking for asterisks. I guess if we can only shoot at night, it means there will be quiet times on the site in between.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog