Thanks for your comments everyone. Not much of a window of opportunity here, I passed the house on the weekend and the Virgina Creeper has shed its leaves already!
I need a nice cold misty shot next year!!
You could shoot this one the same day every month, or at least once in every season, to show the changes. Since it is so close to you, I could see a nice series developing. I have seen this image before but yours here makes the scene look quite magical. Nicely done!
"But ask the animals, and they will teach you." (Job 12:7)
thanks Lee, I'll keep trying until I get something different from everyone else!
Seasonal study is an excellent idea Lauren, and if I get seasonal weather ( a bit of snow during the winter, and some sun during the summer!) then I'll definitely try capturing the changing seasons here! Thanks!!
Thomson, Ga. USA
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good gear; not enough time
I need a nice cold misty shot next year!!
Lauren Blackwell
Because I probably will never get there to shoot it myself.
Seasonal study is an excellent idea Lauren, and if I get seasonal weather ( a bit of snow during the winter, and some sun during the summer!) then I'll definitely try capturing the changing seasons here! Thanks!!
Lauren Blackwell