Stats go back only 12 months?
I just recently found out from SM support that photo view stats only go back twelve months. I could have sworn I had done stat summaries back longer than 12 months before, but maybe not. In any case, why is this limited to twelve months? There is really no good reason why stats would not be kept for the duration of a user's account, especially for paid users like me. I left Flickr because I kept running into small things that were not properly thought out...this is making me think of moving again.
In the old version of SmugMug { few years ago } stats have been available for longer period of time than 12 months. Decision has been made to cap it to 12 months - because this is what most users have been using/requiring.
You can still get stats for more than 1 year - just add Google Analytics or StatCounters which both are free and can give you even more in-depth stats for your site.
I can't go back and get that data no by adding Google Analytics now! If SM is not offering it now then it is gone. This change does not make any sense -- it takes no space to save that kind of data. And no "user" is going to say "please limit me to 12 months".
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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