Chocolate Flakes and Lollipops
Having served up a diet of lemon chocolate and liquorice, I now offer a little more eye candy from my pet Stemonitis.
Some of these images feature some old colonies, presumably for earlier this year, on the same piece of wood as the live colony. Others are of high magnification (ca x6) detail of the live colony, with crosseye stereo.
The first three are at 13h after the initial lemon stage. The first of these was through the Kiron 105mm at f16, the others through the reversed Schneider HM40mm at f16.

Here are three more from 16h, daylight exposure, all though Kiron 105mm

Finally, here are four from 22h, all with the reversed Schneider HM40mm lens and daylight exposure. The first two show links# between the tubes*, holding the whole colony together.
*Sporangia, a generic term used for the spore containing bodies of various ferns, fungi, etc.
# It was when investigating these links in various descriptions that I realised that this species is is not Stemonitis axifera but S. flavogenita. However, the two species are so variable that I must investigate further.

All shots were hand-held, with support from the table.
Some of these images feature some old colonies, presumably for earlier this year, on the same piece of wood as the live colony. Others are of high magnification (ca x6) detail of the live colony, with crosseye stereo.
The first three are at 13h after the initial lemon stage. The first of these was through the Kiron 105mm at f16, the others through the reversed Schneider HM40mm at f16.

Here are three more from 16h, daylight exposure, all though Kiron 105mm

Finally, here are four from 22h, all with the reversed Schneider HM40mm lens and daylight exposure. The first two show links# between the tubes*, holding the whole colony together.
*Sporangia, a generic term used for the spore containing bodies of various ferns, fungi, etc.
# It was when investigating these links in various descriptions that I realised that this species is is not Stemonitis axifera but S. flavogenita. However, the two species are so variable that I must investigate further.

All shots were hand-held, with support from the table.