How to handle a large influx of scanned images

I recently broke down and ordered the 1000 scan box from ScanCafe. I am excited because I went through on old drawer of photos, looking at many, but simply adding boxes of negatives or slides just waiting for the gems that may result.
Perhaps not the most efficient way, but there will be a mix of years, people, and places.
So I will get back 1000 or so scans, and I will open a new gallery and dump them all into Smugmug - my first desire.
Now, how do I best sub divide into different galleries without reuploading? I can go through and add key words on all but then how do I sort into new galleries from the keyword?
My goal is to upload once, the divide the uploaded gallerie into relevant sub galleries?
Perhaps not the most efficient way, but there will be a mix of years, people, and places.
So I will get back 1000 or so scans, and I will open a new gallery and dump them all into Smugmug - my first desire.
Now, how do I best sub divide into different galleries without reuploading? I can go through and add key words on all but then how do I sort into new galleries from the keyword?
My goal is to upload once, the divide the uploaded gallerie into relevant sub galleries?
It is the purpose of life that each of us strives to become actually what he is potentially. We should be obsessed with stretching towards that goal through the world we inhabit.
See the help page Can I create galleries based on keywords?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Load everything into a source gallery.
Create empty destination galleries where you want to parcel out the various photos.
In the Organizer, highlight a batch of photos in the source gallery you want to move to given destination.
Drag those photos to the new destination in the gallery tree at the left, and when the Move/Collect box pops up, choose Move.
Repeat for each destination gallery.
That's it.
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Once they are all annotated and organized on the local computer, run a backup of all of that work.
Then upload to Smugmug in whatever structure is needed, even if it's just a matter of dumping them all into one big gallery, and later making smart galleries based on keywords or whatever.
But I think it is important to prep them on the local computer first, because then they carry the correct information inside them from that point on, no matter where you send them or who you send them to.
If they are not organized until after uploading into Smugmug, I think it would take longer, be harder to do, etc. If things haven't changed lately, I don't think you can even retrieve originals from Smugmug with the online annotation edits included. I'd much rather have that information live in the originals.
My volume was so high that if a shot wasn't perfect I just hid it--no post, no processing, just publish on sm and on to the next weekend of events.
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