Hoverflies Through Oly 50mm f2 With AF
These are from the same session as the bumble Bees, where I used AF and sunlight exposure rather than MF and flash.
All were at ISO 400, the first two at f11, the third (& crop) and last at f14, and 1/200, 1/160, 1/200 and 1/80 second.
The fourth is a crop of the third and the fifth a ca 70% crop.
The last two were lit from behind, f14 1/400 & f11 1/250. I toned the highlights down considerably but the second one is still harsh.
EM-1,(aperture priority, IS 5 way), MMF-2 adapter, Olympus Digital 50mm 1:2 Macro ED, hand-held.

All were at ISO 400, the first two at f11, the third (& crop) and last at f14, and 1/200, 1/160, 1/200 and 1/80 second.
The fourth is a crop of the third and the fifth a ca 70% crop.
The last two were lit from behind, f14 1/400 & f11 1/250. I toned the highlights down considerably but the second one is still harsh.
EM-1,(aperture priority, IS 5 way), MMF-2 adapter, Olympus Digital 50mm 1:2 Macro ED, hand-held.