Warning: Sharp Images!
Well, I did warn you.
This is renewed tip growth of an old cactus Gymnocalycium saglione and measures ca 100 mm spine tip to spine tip.
All the more impressive is that this is the first time, after an unknown period, that the 5-way image stability has been set correctly. The daylight results at f16 and at 1/8 and 1/10 second, hand-held, are impressive.
The stereo is crosseye.
Olympus EM-1 aperture priority, 5-way IS, Olympus 4/3 50mm f2 macro, 1/8 f16 & 1/10 second, ISO 400, hand-held

This is renewed tip growth of an old cactus Gymnocalycium saglione and measures ca 100 mm spine tip to spine tip.
All the more impressive is that this is the first time, after an unknown period, that the 5-way image stability has been set correctly. The daylight results at f16 and at 1/8 and 1/10 second, hand-held, are impressive.
The stereo is crosseye.
Olympus EM-1 aperture priority, 5-way IS, Olympus 4/3 50mm f2 macro, 1/8 f16 & 1/10 second, ISO 400, hand-held
