Maui Cane Burn, MISSED!

Well, I got up early, arrived at the scheduled burn time only find they'd already done the deed! I'll try again in the coming days, perhaps I can get lucky enough for a 4am burn with flames and whatnot.
So, I took the time to photo the cane fields below and was treated by the remainder of the Hunter's Moon*, as the sun rose from behind.
Factoid: According to NASA, the moon once had techtonic activities*, similar to our home planet. The absence of techtonics has made it impossible to recycle the surface, giving us Earthlings a spectacular view into the moon's long history of debris impact.
Most of the craters in view occurred long long ago, during a time of heavy bombardment of debris. Earth has been pelted just as many times, but our techtonics and weather patterns make for a rather quick erosion / cover-up process.
* Edited






So, I took the time to photo the cane fields below and was treated by the remainder of the Hunter's Moon*, as the sun rose from behind.
Factoid: According to NASA, the moon once had techtonic activities*, similar to our home planet. The absence of techtonics has made it impossible to recycle the surface, giving us Earthlings a spectacular view into the moon's long history of debris impact.
Most of the craters in view occurred long long ago, during a time of heavy bombardment of debris. Earth has been pelted just as many times, but our techtonics and weather patterns make for a rather quick erosion / cover-up process.
* Edited







Don't you mean that the Earth's moon never had plate tectonics?
Thank you! I really loved the moment when those birds flushed outta the field, and got even more excited that I remembered to click the shutter. lol
According to the NASA page I read, Earth's moon had techtonics, billions of years ago.
grrrr, that's an ambiguous page wrt that subject. Unless there is some arcane literature that I'm not aware of, the moon show no evidence of ever having had 'plate' tectonics, although there are global fracture systems due to gravitational stresses (tides), and contraction (cooling) of the moon, so some limited seismicity, tectonics of a sort, but not plate tectonics. /Pedantics off.
I appreciate you even putting in the effort to update my understanding of the moon's history. I'm a smarter person for it, and it's all fascinating to me. Mahalo!
Lovely set!
Big Mahalo, Taz!!