Verdigris mushroom Stropharia aeruginosa
This mushroom appears in our garden each year. It usually produces the fruiting body next to vertical planks of wood we use to make miniature raised beds for our vegetables. The cap colour tends to start off dull, bluish green and then fade to almost white.
There is another, similar, species but that lacks the very rough stems of this one. The mushroom is poisonous.
This was another test of my recently-acquired Olympus 4/3 Digital 50mm f2 macro ED. I did not notice that I had left the teleconverter EC-14 between the camera and the lens. Having seen how, with help from the IS, the detail is rendered, I will not hesitate to use it in future.
EM-1, aperture priority (5-way IS), Olympus 4/3, 50mmf2 macro, TC, 1/80, 1/80 at f13 and 1/100 at f11, ISO 400, handheld.
The stereo is crosseye.

There is another, similar, species but that lacks the very rough stems of this one. The mushroom is poisonous.
This was another test of my recently-acquired Olympus 4/3 Digital 50mm f2 macro ED. I did not notice that I had left the teleconverter EC-14 between the camera and the lens. Having seen how, with help from the IS, the detail is rendered, I will not hesitate to use it in future.
EM-1, aperture priority (5-way IS), Olympus 4/3, 50mmf2 macro, TC, 1/80, 1/80 at f13 and 1/100 at f11, ISO 400, handheld.
The stereo is crosseye.