The Valley Isle - Cane Burning Again

I awoke this morning to discover another burn happening a few miles from home. While this one wasn't nearly as giant sized as some others usually are, it still gave me an excuse to jump on a scooter with a backpack of cameras and have at it.
Two images - that's what I took away from it. These are 4 image hand-held pano stitches. I couldn't choose between them, so I'm posting both.
Thanks for looking, I'll keep working at it!

Two images - that's what I took away from it. These are 4 image hand-held pano stitches. I couldn't choose between them, so I'm posting both.

Thanks for looking, I'll keep working at it!


--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Mahalo for the review, Denise! I am a sucker for a sun star, but definitely prefer the framing of #2...if only I had taken time to strap a tripod on the scooter, then I would've been able to line up the shot I actually wanted. But overall, I'm pleased that I somehow managed to get alignment with handheld shots. lol