Another fly mix

Recent fly shots from the garden. Many have been focus stacked using zerene. 5Dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash.
Brian V.
Flat footed fly Platypezidae

Small muscid fly on a water barrel

A drowning muscid fly

A double ender - mating compost flies Scatopse sp. They run around like this happily reversing direction if they hit an obstruction.

Small metallic fly

Larger muscid flies

A small flashy fly
Brian V.
Flat footed fly Platypezidae

Small muscid fly on a water barrel

A drowning muscid fly

A double ender - mating compost flies Scatopse sp. They run around like this happily reversing direction if they hit an obstruction.

Small metallic fly

Larger muscid flies

A small flashy fly

An excellent set. The last is a great find.