Maui Sea Turtle Surprise

Last night, during the height of the neighborhood Halloween bustle (and the end of our candy and home-made edible playdough), Beth and I decided to have an adventure. We went to one of our favorite secluded beach spots to see the stars.
Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I realized there were some very unfamiliar rocks on the beach. I knew for sure they weren't there the last time we hung out there. So, I whipped out my iPhone, turned on the flashlight and WHOA! Turtles!!!!
A sprint to the vehicle and back, and this is what I came out with:
Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I realized there were some very unfamiliar rocks on the beach. I knew for sure they weren't there the last time we hung out there. So, I whipped out my iPhone, turned on the flashlight and WHOA! Turtles!!!!
A sprint to the vehicle and back, and this is what I came out with:

--- Denise
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Any shot where you got tad closer to toitles....lower POV perhaps?
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Taz, unfortunately, I didn't have enough glass to get a closer shot, but I like your idea of a lower perspective. I was already about 10ft away, and getting too close to beached sea turtles is greatly frowned upon. However, in the water, it's pretty much fair game, since the doggone things will sometimes swim right up to you, and even give you a bump from time to time.