Small bugs

Some recent small bug shots from the garden. 5D mki2/MPE-65/430Ex flash.
Brian v.
Flower weevil on the car

Chalcid wasp on the car- about 1.9mm body length

Scelionid wasp about 1.8mm body length

Signal fly Sepsis sp. About 4mm body length

Globular springtail Sminthurinus domesticus on a clay pot, about 0.8mm body length

Brian v.
Flower weevil on the car

Chalcid wasp on the car- about 1.9mm body length

Scelionid wasp about 1.8mm body length

Signal fly Sepsis sp. About 4mm body length

Globular springtail Sminthurinus domesticus on a clay pot, about 0.8mm body length