Early Snow, Eastern Sierra Nevada

An early snow storm caps the Sierra Nevada. Big Pine is at the valley bottom in shadow in the center. Lone Pine is in the valley to the left and Bishop to the right.
C&C welcome.

Dale B. Dalrymple
C&C welcome.

Dale B. Dalrymple
"Give me a lens long enough and a place to stand and I can image the earth."
...with apology to Archimedies
...with apology to Archimedies
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Gallery: https://eldonshea.smugmug.com/
The image is my first pass stitch. I put it in a private gallery to support discussion of a number of issues in different forums. The blue-pink is flare from the sun. It illustrates the flare resistance of the Nikon 16-80mm DX zoom on a D500. I can remove it later because I overlapped the shots I took by over 50% in the area near the sun so I can mask it out when I restitch for my final stitch. I also need to figure out how to fit the highlights into the dynamic range of a jpg because the top of the clouds isn't burned out in the 16 bit tiff files I stitched from and to.
The shot was made from the top of a hill off of the Death Valley Road that runs east from Big Pine. The hilltop is about 600' vertical above the elevation of the Owens River at the center of the valley. The horizontal field of view is about 220 degrees centered roughly west toward the north end of the town of Big Pine.
Dale B. Dalrymple
...with apology to Archimedies
I use PTGui to stitch my panoramas. PTGui has the capability to apply tone mapping processing to images formed from single or multiple exposure sets. This panorama was from a single exposure set. In the .tif produced by PTGui, the cloud tops were not burned out but I had trouble fitting that range into the .jpg file for posting. I have gone back to PTGui to restitch with the flare masked and tone mapping to control the dynamic range for .jpg conversion. This is what I came up with. C&C?

Dale B. Dalrymple
...with apology to Archimedies
Nicely done! I like how the grandness of spectacle comes through.
One of my favorite parts of the world. Beautifully captured. The scope is magnificent.