beach life

I have a few. so enjoy and send feedback!


- double ouchy

It's weird that photographers spend years or even a whole lifetime, trying to capture moments that added together, don't even amount to a couple of hours.
James Lalropui Keivom
James Lalropui Keivom
Setup: One camera, one lens, and one roll of film.
The skate board shot would be cool too...if it wasn't a butt shot
You don't seem to have any problems catching interesting shots
The first one is a stop or so under exposed. As mentioned move the right slider under the tail (using levels) to brighten it. Add a little saturation and voila, an image that is much nicer to view
The last group are over exposed by at least a stop also. These are tougher to fix since it looks like you lost some highlight detail. But, again using levels, move the left slider under the left tail. You might also need to use some curves.
If your camera has a histogram, you may want to check it as you shoot so you can make sure you're in the ballpark exposure-wise.
If I have offended you by messing with your pics, I apologize. A pic is worth 1000 words and I felt a visual example would better illustrate what I am talking about.
Anyhow, good stuff and you've got some excellent timing
James Lalropui Keivom
Awsome skimboarding shots, dont see shore break like that down here is San Diego. Very nice.
God created the heavens and earth...
I just Photograph it.