Getting the smile
I've been working on my portrait shots.... using a green screen and my studio lights.... tough as I don't have any room in my home for the setup..... :rolleyes
I used to belong to a small studio in my suburb.... they have a nice sized classroom and as they had nothing going this last Saturday, they let me borrow it to set up my stuff. I offered free portraits to the artists whom I have befriended as a fellow gallery member and patron over the last few years.
I used my two Alien Bee 800's with softboxes and a flash gun to light the green screen with a second flashgun on a boom for a hair light... all wireless triggered via Paul Buff Tx/Rx units. Stool at least 8 feet away from the green screen wall. Main light camera left, fill on right..... sorry, forgot to take a set up shot.....
I wanted to more work on posing and working for the smile.... I always have trouble with stiff clients and getting them to stand the way I want, getting natural smiles and making them feel comfortable enough with me as a photographer to work easily with me.
Critique will be welcome if you have it......
I used to belong to a small studio in my suburb.... they have a nice sized classroom and as they had nothing going this last Saturday, they let me borrow it to set up my stuff. I offered free portraits to the artists whom I have befriended as a fellow gallery member and patron over the last few years.
I used my two Alien Bee 800's with softboxes and a flash gun to light the green screen with a second flashgun on a boom for a hair light... all wireless triggered via Paul Buff Tx/Rx units. Stool at least 8 feet away from the green screen wall. Main light camera left, fill on right..... sorry, forgot to take a set up shot.....
I wanted to more work on posing and working for the smile.... I always have trouble with stiff clients and getting them to stand the way I want, getting natural smiles and making them feel comfortable enough with me as a photographer to work easily with me.
Critique will be welcome if you have it......











Lee Wiren
I thought they all look too bright and some of the backdrops look artificial.
The smiles are genuine enough. In my opinion, the camera height is low. We should probably talk about what is a close up portrait. A close up portrait is when the bottom of the chin to the top of the head is at least 1/2 of the frame vertically. A 3/4 length portrait includes hands and depending whether sitting or standing might include knees. In between close up portrait and 3/4 length is no man's land. Camera height for a close up portrait is generally the top of the head or above. The reason being that the head is closest to the camera. With the height that you have chosen, it seems like the chest is closest to the camera, which makes the chest bigger and the head smaller. With a higher camera height, it's easier to minimize problems underneath the chin. You know how to bring out happy expressions.