Surprise Thrips

in Holy Macro
Checked a leaf of one of my indoor hibiscuses to see what was causing some damage and much to my surprise found thrips on it along with the expected aphids.
Many of the thrips larvae were moving round with a carefully balanced honeydew drop on the end of their raised abdomens.
The adult was 1.6mm body length, the small larva in #1 0.7mm and the larger larvae 1.2mm.
5Dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash. 10X, 40D/ 10X microscope lens/430Ex flash.
Brian V.
An adult
Checked a leaf of one of my indoor hibiscuses to see what was causing some damage and much to my surprise found thrips on it along with the expected aphids.
Many of the thrips larvae were moving round with a carefully balanced honeydew drop on the end of their raised abdomens.
The adult was 1.6mm body length, the small larva in #1 0.7mm and the larger larvae 1.2mm.
5Dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash. 10X, 40D/ 10X microscope lens/430Ex flash.
Brian V.


An adult
Obviously having problems showing images linked from Flickr but have figured it out using
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Brian v.
I have found that what works for one image may not for another. This is for direct upload from my PC. Image addresses (host site) are no longer accepted in the same way, if at all.