One more re: sharegroups
Im trying to create a sharegroup that will only allow people into certain galleries while removing any ability to get to my main page.
I'm using the 'Hide Owner' option and that works great.
However, when the sharegroup page comes up, my name is at the top of the sharegroup page and its hyperlinked to my main page. I can't seem to find a way to stop that from happening. Is it possible?
I'm using the 'Hide Owner' option and that works great.
However, when the sharegroup page comes up, my name is at the top of the sharegroup page and its hyperlinked to my main page. I can't seem to find a way to stop that from happening. Is it possible?
I don't use it that way so you'll have to let me play a bit. Back to you later..
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Is the CSS that will hide that from showing. BUT, you'd still have to share it like this:
which defeats the purpose, because your nickname is there in the url.
Can share with this url:
But then the custom CSS won't be grabbed (we won't look in nickname's CSS for the above code to hide the elements).
Sorry, can't be done at the present time. Wish I had a better answer for you!
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Thanks for all of your help, Andy. Your support is incredible. I can't believe how quickly you respond and to the number of people you get to. I have never seen a site supported so well.
Now that the buttering up is done, another question:
I've decided to make all of my galleries private and create sharegroups to limit who can get to what, while keeping searches away from my pix. So, my question is this, can I change the theme of my sharegroup pages to match the theme I use on all of galleries? Currently, I can't find anything that let's me switch it over to match (sand).
Thanks in advance.
Sorry, Can't change the sharegroups theme. Yet. That may change, dunno if/when but stay tuned!
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