Say Goodbye to the Flash Slideshow

As Flash rides itself into the sunset, never to be heard from again, we're doing our best to remove Flash from SmugMug. We pushed an update this morning that removes the Flash slideshow. Any slideshows previously shared will now redirect to the HTML5 slideshow. The Share Panel has been updated to use the new HTML5 slideshow.
We've also updated the HTML5 slideshow to add 2 new options:
1) Click on the photo in the slideshow to open it in the Galleries Lightbox. Closing the lightbox will return you to the gallery, not to the slideshow.
2) Randomize - you can now select if you would like to share (or embed) a slideshow in random order.
Note: these 2 features are only available in the shareable fullscreen and the embeddable slideshow (* the embeddable slideshow does not allow click-to-open-lightbox). Slideshow Gallery style and slideshow's launched from the gallery did not get this update, though I'd love to add it at some point in the future. Customers will not be able to select the speed or whether or not captions are displayed, those are controlled by the account owner. We do have plans on bringing back the filmstrip (which was an option in the Flash slideshow) in the future, though it's not available at this time.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
My, you folks have been having a busy December!
As you nobly kill Flash a piece at a time, remember that the video player in the lightbox still defaults to Flash if the latter is installed in the browser. The HTML5 player only loads if Flash isn't there. And the HTML5 player, at least for me, produces much smoother results. So I encourage you keep going on the Flash removal and change this default.
We like to give lots of Christmas presents
Flash video player and Flash Stats are next!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I like this pre-Christmas present
Thank you!
Guess I am going to try it for my home page...
PS: Embedable Slideshow = the one from Customize Content and Design -> Add Content Block -> Photos -> Slideshow? If yes, than something with the "click on photo in slideshow and get to Lightbox" is not quite where it should be. Example: were you cannot click the photo anywhere - it is fed by "Recent Photos" however, if that makes the difference.
No, the Embeddable slideshow is the one found from the Share Panel, but that one, also, cannot click to lightbox, since the embeddable slideshow uses an iframe, and trying to load your website inside a small iFrame isn't pleasant. In the future I'm hoping that we can make it load the lightbox in its own window, and then add it to the embeddable slideshow as well.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
@leftquark thanks for your help
Guess I have to figure out another solution then.