Can Smugmug automatically convert upon upload or otherwise a raw (Cannon) file to 300 dpi?
I am looking for a service where I can upload the raw file and converted to standard dpi resolutions online. The conversion could happen upon upload or as a second step. Batch processing would be preferred. Thx
See the help page Accepted file types for uploading for files that can be uploaded to SmugMug.
RAW files are not included.
You would need to find some type of utility or photo processing product that you can use in your workflow.
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We've just upgraded our help pages, so the new link to the accepted file types is here:
SmugMug Support Hero | My website:
And bear in mind that "300 dpi" is a print resolution and not really relevant to the photo being uploaded. When you upload here, a photo has a specific pixel size (the "original") and Smugmug will automatically produce different smaller sizes (but not larger) for display based on screen size. You can limit whether Smugmug will even show the original, and limit the largest size it will show. But "dots per inch" is not how to think of it by "total pixels wide/high" or megapixels as you prefer.