I can't help

Up in the "Flea Market" > "For Hire" DG forum there's a thread titled "Seeking dog & cat photos". It's been ignored
for several days.
Normally, pet photos - specifically cats - outnumber photos of other subjects by a wide margin. This
time of year, it's easier to find a photo of a dog or a cat in Christmas attire or in a Christmas setting
than it is to find a parking place in the mall. There's so many cute pets photographed that it's a wonder
that camera lenses don't get cavities from the sweet subject matter.
But, the poster in that thread isn't getting any pet love. Surely, there are as many cat and dog photos
around as there are Door , Bokeh, Art, Urban Exploration, Water, Altered Reality, and Rust shots put
together. Maybe if some are posted in this forum he'll see them.
I can't help. Our cat went to the Great Litterbox in the Sky, and our dog exited this world through
the Doggy Door of No Return.
It looks like he has gotten responses and he is in contact with the people he was interested in their work through private messaging.