Chatsworth House, Derbyshire, UK
I spent three mornings in a row hoping for a sunrise on the Chatsworth Estate. The first two mornings after promising starts, the fog dropped over the river and I could hardly see the trees in front of me. The third morning was much clearer but I only managed a hint of colour in the sky, no red sunrise though.
Very Nice. Love the colors.
Thanks Thomas, really appreciated.
One of the best landscape shots I have seen in a long time. Great composition and lighting.
Cheers, Richard.
Love the comp. The colors look too fantastical to believe, though.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
very nice !
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Wow its looking like a painting, such a beautiful capture. - Product Photo Editing
Stunning! Brilliant!
Thank you for all the kind words, really appreciated.
I, too, like the shot. It's a little more processed than I usually prefer but the end result is quite striking and appealing. If you care to comment, I like to hear something about the lighting in this image. The emerging sun and its ambient light is flowing toward the camera.The close foreground, however, indicates light emanating from the opposite direction. Was this something you affected in PP work or did you employ on-site lighting equipment.?
Hello Tom, thanks for the comments.
As you say it is a little over processed but that's the kind of style I seem to have adopted. The foreground lighting on the reeds again was me being a little heavy handed with the Dodging brush, lightening them seemed to lift that area. For me, it's quite easy to get a bit over active with some controls in PP, then, when you see the image again a few days later, these areas are easy to spot. Perhaps it would help if I finished an image and stored it away for a few weeks then came back to it, but when you've been out somewhere it's always nice to get the image on the screen.
"Love the comp. The colors look too fantastical to believe, though." That was my reaction as well.