Facial Recognition
Hi all and happy new year.
I've got over 30,000 photos on my site (www.elmani.com) and would love to improve the search functionality by using facial recognition - any ideas??? Thanks
Hi all and happy new year.
I've got over 30,000 photos on my site (www.elmani.com) and would love to improve the search functionality by using facial recognition - any ideas??? Thanks
There is a feature request for this on SmugMug's feedback site - https://feedback.smugmug.com/forums/17723-smugmug/suggestions/17209151-integrate-face-recognition-across-all-galleries.
I also found a note about it in Smug's news article The Power of SmugMug’s Lightroom Publish Tool published in May of 2015:
That might help with newly uploaded photos (if you use Lightroom and the SmugMug Lightroom plugin) but as far as I know it wouldn't do anything for the photos already on your site.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
If you use Lightroom's Facial Recognition, we'll take advantage of the metadata they embed on any new photos you upload (not on previous photos). That'd be your best bet going forward, as Denise mentioned.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
Yeah, but if you republish (yes, it will take a LONG time if you have slow internet) it will then be updated on Smugmug as well. The nice thing about updating in Lightroom is then your master copy is up to date, as opposed to updating on Smugmug and then one day deciding you want to (gasp, of course not) move somewhere else.
All that said, I never found LR's face recognition terribly good. It works, sort of, but it misses a lot of faces completely (not gets them wrong -- just doesn't see them, so doesn't present you with a resolution screen, so you do not easily notice they are not done).