Post Your Best Photos from 2016

Happy New Year, friends! I thought I'd start a thread where folks can post their favorite landscape photos from 2016. Let's limit it to no more than 10 images.
Looking forward to seeing what everyone's got!
Your friendly moderator,
Thanks for starting this thread Joel!
I went through the exercise of selecting my favorite photos from 2016 just a couple of weeks ago. My favorites were a mix of landscapes and close-ups with less than half of them fitting into the landscapes category. Here are my favorite landscapes.
1 :: winter beach day, Jenness Beach, Rye, NH
2 :: water and sculpted rocks, at the tip of the Schoodic Peninsula, Acadia National Park
3 :: birds only! at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, during the annual beach closure for the piping plover nesting season
4 :: expansive, from the top of Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park
5 :: through the woods, along Jesup Path, Acadia National Park
If you're interested in seeing my other favorites, my full selection can be viewed in the gallery
top photos :: 2016.
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Ok, my turn. It was actually pretty depressing for me to go through my photos and realize how little landscape photography I did this year due to work and family commitments. Perhaps you know the effect. So most of these were shot on day trips close to home. Still I live in a great area so I really can't complain. Here are my contributions.
1 A composite of meteors shot during the Perseid Meteor Shower at Glacier Point in Yosemite, NP.

2 Sunrise from Glacier Point after the meteor shower.

3 Shark Fin Cove Sunset, looking south

4 Shark Fin Cove Sunrise on a different day looking north

5 Breaking wave at Mavericks surfing spot near Half Moon Bay, CA.

6 This incredible photo was actually shot by my daughter (with my camera and on the boat I was driving) but I'm posting it any way.

7 These next two were taken with a little Sony RX100 IV pocket camera on a backpacking trip on Mt. Whitney, CA.


9 And to wrap up the year, one of two photos of the SF Bay Bridge which I posted in a separate thread, taken on Christmas Morning.

Here's to hoping for many more photo opportunities for everyone in 2017!
Link to my Smugmug site
Nice shots. Here's some of mine










follow me on: flickr - 500px - twitter
There are a number of beautiful shots here! Good work.
Good stuff all!
I'll share some favorites. After eight, it's a 400-way tie.
1 (With thanks to Celtic Snapper for an improved crop)
Super Don!
Here a few of my favorite shots this year.
Sunset on the Farm

Rainbow after the Storm

Sunrise at The Parthenon

Springtime on the Farm

South Dakota Storm

Nashville at Sunset
TMcEwen, you got around this year. It's beautiful work. I particularly like the Parthenon shot and the South Dakota storm. The light and the composition in both are terrific.
Great work Thomas!
Thank you so much.
Thank you sir.
Just bought my first camera this summer, so its not too much too choose from :D
TMcEwen: I really like the one with the farm, and the one with the dual rainbows :)
Thank you so much. I am looking forward to your photos.
Try again, I just promoted you.
Link to my Smugmug site
> @patphoto said:
> Beautiful images ! I'll post some of mine as soon as I'm allowed :p
> Try again, I just promoted you.
It still looks just the same here :/
As I said, I bought my first camera this summer, so I dont have many too choose from.
The rest can be found on my (just started) website

This is my last one to date, Loved the sunset !

Was a bit lucky with this one, spent a few hours in the dark on the ice.

This was my first ever image. Felt I had to use in in my "top 2016"
Beautiful work, Pat! 03, you said it was your first image. Not sure how to take that. You'd never taken a picture before?
Link to my Smugmug site
> Beautiful work, Pat! 03, you said it was your first image. Not sure how to take that. You'd never taken a picture before?
Yes, my first picture ever taken with anything else then a phone.
My first picture that I went out to take.
Now, I really want a full-frame camera :p I just need to practice a little bit more first ;)
Nice photos Pat
These are all pretty good but this one is my favorite!
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Don- nice work as usual. Some really nice ones here.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Though I lurk a lot on Dgrin I haven't posted any photos in awhile. Always liked these threads though.

2016 Pretty slow year photography wise so picking a few favorites isn't all that hard.






Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Aaron I love #6. It tells a fantastic story.
kdog - #6 is an incredible photo ! great work !
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Lovely set Amadeus!
Great shots Amadeus. Do trains still run on that bridge?
Thanks TMcEwen and Stumblebum. What happened to the quote/replay option?
A few points of interest on that bridge...There are 2 trains one on each side of the Hudson that will get you into New York City. Metro north on the east side will bring you to Grand Central. This train bridge you see is on the west side you can ride this train which is NJ Transit to Hoboken. From there the Path train will take you under the river into the new and wondrous Occulus Terminal at World Trade Center/Freedom Tower. I need to get down there and take some pics....
Also, this train trestle was used for a scene in George Clooney's movie Michael Clayton. He parks under the bridge, gets out and walks into a field, and kaboom the car blows up. You're looking at Orange County NY, yes that Orange County.
Here is the clip: