It looks cool. But for me it looks to cluttered. especially that grey swan infront of the white ones. Do you have more?
i don't think i have any that are suitable. i was out for the first shoot with my new rebel xt, and the 17-85 lens is woefully short for the distance they were at. i used the telephoto on my S2 IS, but hard a hard time seeing through the viewfinder and conditions were too dark to see through the digital display.
i have a longer lens ordered, and if the weather holds i can go out and try again next weekend, better equipped.
i LOVE the camera, and still have a lot to learn about it.....the lens was just too short for what i wanted to do.
i don't think i have any that are suitable. i was out for the first shoot with my new rebel xt, and the 17-85 lens is woefully short for the distance they were at. i used the telephoto on my S2 IS, but hard a hard time seeing through the viewfinder and conditions were too dark to see through the digital display.
i have a longer lens ordered, and if the weather holds i can go out and try again next weekend, better equipped.
i LOVE the camera, and still have a lot to learn about it.....the lens was just too short for what i wanted to do.
thanks for the input
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my stuff
my stuff
It reminds me of how things can get on forums at times! It definitely looks like 'airing opinions'! I can almost hear them,
This summer's wilderness photography project: