Lightroom Plugin Procedural Question
I have downloaded and installed the plugin (I had removed it about a year ago). As part of the sync process, I get the "conflict resolution" window. Most of the time, it compares a .jpg file to a .cr2 file , with the same file name (number, not extension) and pixel dimensions. Late last night, I gave up and stopped the sync after going through about 40 comparisons.
My question is, for these types of file comparisons, what should I be selecting, "same" or "not same"? What are the ramifications?
Syncing phtoos between those that are on SM and on your computer will allow you to automatically publish any changes you make in LR to SmugMug. I love having my photos sync'd because if I update metadata or edit the photo again, the LR Plguin will know the photo has changed and can update the copy on SmugMug!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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I understand the syncing process. What I don't understand is when dealing with the conflict resolution popup screen, when the only difference is one is a CR2 and one is a jpg, should the designation be "the same", or "not the same"?
I believe they should be the same. They're CR2s on your computer and export to smugmug as JPGs. But they're the same images.
Thanks for that. It makes sense.