Plan storage capacity (GB) and adding administrators

I just created a trial site on SmugMug for our local camera club. Our board has tentatively approved the $40 (approx) a year plan, but I need to know how much GB space the $40 a year plan has. Also, can more than one person be an administrator? I sent the site name and password to a fellow member to have her look at the site and get approval to move forward. She couldn't log in with my information, so I'm wondering if I will be the only one to be able to log in.
There are size limits to individual photos but there is no limitation on the number of photos. See help page Accepted file types for uploading.
There is only a single logon for all account types except Business accounts. Business accounts can have an assistant logon as well. Assistant capabilities are shown on this help page - That said, if you provided your valid account login information to another person she should be able to log in. Login scenarios are shown on this help page -
If you haven't already seen it, you may be interested in Allowing guests to upload photos.
Musings & ramblings at
As Denise pointed out, SmugMug has always had unlimited storage. You can upload as many photos as you'd like, provided they're less than 150mb in size and 210 megapixels (I know of no cameras larger than 210 megapixels at the current moment). We never want you to have to think about which photos to upload or keep on SmugMug - it should be a safe home for all of your groups photos!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
You can set your site up to just be viewable and hide the buy button. What you will have to do is go to the gallery settings for each of your galleries and set them to not be printable. This will get rid of the buy button on your galleries. A fast way to do your galleries in larger chunks would be to do in chunks of folders and galleries combined. Be warned that the buy button when turned off will still show for you logged in as the site owner.
organize > make sure to choose the folder and/or galleries to be worked with > settings > shopping > click the button beside the words "shopping cart" > click "off" > save
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