*Challenge 21: Shem Creek by ginger

Is this too bright? I have done a few things to it from another thread, contrast, brightness and saturation, when I work intensely, I feel like I am painting the photograph here and there, so it is a step by step process. My intention was to brighten the photograph a bit and bring the boat out so it was a bigger player.

I do want to say that this was not a fun experience because of the weather, not exhilerating, wet sticky wind. I was using the tripod all the time, with the release remote, all new to me. Traffic was going by, bicyclists had the choice of getting me to hear them, or running me down along with my camera bag, or getting killed by the traffic on the bridge themselves. When the weather is too bad for the shrimp boats, it is not nice weather.
All told, I learned that for landscape shooting outside, I only had about an hour of good shooting color after sunset. The other efforts could be trashed, IMO. Maybe on a better night the window would have been a bit better, but this is what I found out and what I will be thinking of when I go out again. If I had been near a place such as that little bar on the Isle of Palms, I could have gone in there to get a few shots. As it was I used almost all of one 512mb card, deleted many of those before uploading, and half were past that first hour and unusable.
Also my computer is still not optimal, I have just logged back on, and off, and on. I am not putting raw files on at this point. Last night, I had enough on my mind. I ended up locking my keys in the car when I got home, no spare, but that was an example of how focused on the photography I was, and how draining the shoot was. g
This is my original favorite:
A compromise?

I do want to say that this was not a fun experience because of the weather, not exhilerating, wet sticky wind. I was using the tripod all the time, with the release remote, all new to me. Traffic was going by, bicyclists had the choice of getting me to hear them, or running me down along with my camera bag, or getting killed by the traffic on the bridge themselves. When the weather is too bad for the shrimp boats, it is not nice weather.
All told, I learned that for landscape shooting outside, I only had about an hour of good shooting color after sunset. The other efforts could be trashed, IMO. Maybe on a better night the window would have been a bit better, but this is what I found out and what I will be thinking of when I go out again. If I had been near a place such as that little bar on the Isle of Palms, I could have gone in there to get a few shots. As it was I used almost all of one 512mb card, deleted many of those before uploading, and half were past that first hour and unusable.
Also my computer is still not optimal, I have just logged back on, and off, and on. I am not putting raw files on at this point. Last night, I had enough on my mind. I ended up locking my keys in the car when I got home, no spare, but that was an example of how focused on the photography I was, and how draining the shoot was. g
This is my original favorite:
A compromise?
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I like the top, brighter version. But my favorite part of it is the boat in the water, and I get distracted by the neon and the other very bright lights. Maybe you could try toning them down, just a little not much, while keeping everything else bright.
version # 13
Whichever version you finally go with, that sure is a really nice shot you should be proud of!
The first image is the one I was referring to. But, I like what you have done here. The last one, #13, is very nice. I think toning down the brightness a bit makes it so it does not detract from the boat.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Found there was too much yellow in the whole image. All I did was clean it up a bit. Try Lynn's color correction tutorial. Should help.
Amazing what a slight move of an eyedropper can do. Personally, I like this better as it has the old fashioned "grandmotherly" feel. I don't know how it compares to yours Spockling, I can't bring it to this page. Still thanks, I learned some things, here. g
I really like your color cast removal/treatment of Ginger's shot, Steve.
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