Damn, y'all are killin' it! I don't have any recents, but I do have an ultra-slow motion vid of an owl in flight, captured from a drone. But that's another thread. lol
@JonaBeth Russell said:
Damn, y'all are killin' it! I don't have any recents, but I do have an ultra-slow motion vid of an owl in flight, captured from a drone. But that's another thread. lol
@Adam_Triska03 said:
I'm new to smugmug and forums but I wanted to join this BIF photo forum. How do I add a photo?
Since you are new, you will have to participate on the forums by commenting on more photos. After a certain amount of time has passed and comments, you will then have the option to post images. This is a requirement for all first time members.
> @JAG said: > @Adam_Triska03 said: > I'm new to smugmug and forums but I wanted to join this BIF photo forum. How do I add a photo? > > > > > > Since you are new, you will have to participate on the forums by commenting on more photos. After a certain amount of time has passed and comments, you will then have the option to post images. This is a requirement for all first time members.
Thank you for taking the time to explain how this all works, this is all new to me.
> @pathfinder said: > A couple sandhill cranes from March of 2005, caught with a 20D - edited recently in LR Classic CC
I like the first photo for the detail of the bird in flight, but I do feel that the second photo is the stronger of the two. I feel it tells more of a story since you have the environment the birds are living in, but also you managed to get more Sandhill cranes in the background of the image. Nice work!
I think this is a strong photo of these Mute Swans in flight. I like how there's layers to the photo. At the top, there's dried out long grass on the bank, then there's a lighter coloured layer that looks like ice? (maybe it's just the lighting on the water I don't know), then the main subject, the Swans. I know it's hard to think about these things in the moment, but if only you had taking the shot/ composition just a little lower, you could have got the reflections of both the birds in the water. That just would have been the icing on the cake to me. All in all, good shot.
I can't figure out how to post my photo. I have tried to click on the attach image and paste a link into the image URL and it doesn't work. When I use the URL link, it only gives a link straight to my profile and that image. How do I get the image to show up on this page/forum? adamsphotographicmemories.com/Birds-of-Prey/i-kcBJv92/A
@Adam_Triska03 said:
I can't figure out how to post my photo. I have tried to click on the attach image and paste a link into the image URL and it doesn't work. When I use the URL link, it only gives a link straight to my profile and that image. How do I get the image to show up on this page/forum? adamsphotographicmemories.com/Birds-of-Prey/i-kcBJv92/A
I hope one of the moderators - maybe @JAG again - will help you with your newbie problems (you also have some dropping problems).
I think this is a strong photo of these Mute Swans in flight. I like how there's layers to the photo. At the top, there's dried out long grass on the bank, then there's a lighter coloured layer that looks like ice? (maybe it's just the lighting on the water I don't know), then the main subject, the Swans. I know it's hard to think about these things in the moment, but if only you had taking the shot/ composition just a little lower, you could have got the reflections of both the birds in the water. That just would have been the icing on the cake to me. All in all, good shot.
The photo is the first in a series - https://dgrin.com/discussion/261215/reflections - and may be I made a bad decision when cutting the version you have seen. As you can see on the version below I got the hole reflection.
@Adam_Triska03 said:
I can't figure out how to post my photo. I have tried to click on the attach image and paste a link into the image URL and it doesn't work. When I use the URL link, it only gives a link straight to my profile and that image. How do I get the image to show up on this page/forum? adamsphotographicmemories.com/Birds-of-Prey/i-kcBJv92/A
Since you are using smugmug, make sure you click a size , most share XL first, then it is better if you go to the html tab and copy all of the html in the bottom square. Then just paste it into a post editor block. It will not only show the image but it will go back to your gallery if people want to see more of your work and they click on your image. .
PS...make sure you are logged in as administrator to your smugmug account to make it work.
I had my problems too as a newbie. If I was you I would click on the Edit icon in your comment (the wheel in the uppper right corner) and then delete the content totally and start again by clicking the Image icon (the last one at the right with a sun and mountain), paste the Image URL (copied from Share in SmugMug) again and the post the comment.
That URL isn't inserted with the help of the Image Icon. The picture below is. If you look at the tool line in a (new) post the Image Icon is the last one to the right. You must use that (click on it) and paste the URL in the box that opens. To get the picture below I copied the URL from your above post and used the Image Icon to paste it. I will delete your photo from this post, when you have seen it.
(deleted photo)
That URL isn't inserted with the help of the Image Icon. The picture below is. If you look at the tool line in a (new) post the Image Icon is the last one to the right. You must use that (click on it) and paste the URL in the box that opens. To get the picture below I copied the URL from your above post and used the Image Icon to paste it. I will delete your photo from this post, when you have seen it.

A couple sandhill cranes from March of 2005, caught with a 20D - edited recently in LR Classic CC
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Damn, y'all are killin' it! I don't have any recents, but I do have an ultra-slow motion vid of an owl in flight, captured from a drone. But that's another thread. lol
Keep 'em comin'!!!
Many thanks for commentinh
Common Cuckoo

Since you are new, you will have to participate on the forums by commenting on more photos. After a certain amount of time has passed and comments, you will then have the option to post images. This is a requirement for all first time members.
> @Adam_Triska03 said:
> I'm new to smugmug and forums but I wanted to join this BIF photo forum. How do I add a photo?
> Since you are new, you will have to participate on the forums by commenting on more photos. After a certain amount of time has passed and comments, you will then have the option to post images. This is a requirement for all first time members.
Thank you for taking the time to explain how this all works, this is all new to me.
> A couple sandhill cranes from March of 2005, caught with a 20D - edited recently in LR Classic CC
I like the first photo for the detail of the bird in flight, but I do feel that the second photo is the stronger of the two. I feel it tells more of a story since you have the environment the birds are living in, but also you managed to get more Sandhill cranes in the background of the image. Nice work!
I think this is a strong photo of these Mute Swans in flight. I like how there's layers to the photo. At the top, there's dried out long grass on the bank, then there's a lighter coloured layer that looks like ice? (maybe it's just the lighting on the water I don't know), then the main subject, the Swans. I know it's hard to think about these things in the moment, but if only you had taking the shot/ composition just a little lower, you could have got the reflections of both the birds in the water. That just would have been the icing on the cake to me. All in all, good shot.
I really like the lighting in this photo and the unusual looking pose you managed to capture.
I can't figure out how to post my photo. I have tried to click on the attach image and paste a link into the image URL and it doesn't work. When I use the URL link, it only gives a link straight to my profile and that image. How do I get the image to show up on this page/forum? adamsphotographicmemories.com/Birds-of-Prey/i-kcBJv92/A
I hope one of the moderators - maybe @JAG again - will help you with your newbie problems (you also have some dropping problems).
The photo is the first in a series - https://dgrin.com/discussion/261215/reflections - and may be I made a bad decision when cutting the version you have seen. As you can see on the version below I got the hole reflection.

Since you are using smugmug, make sure you click a size , most share XL first, then it is better if you go to the html tab and copy all of the html in the bottom square. Then just paste it into a post editor block. It will not only show the image but it will go back to your gallery if people want to see more of your work and they click on your image. .
PS...make sure you are logged in as administrator to your smugmug account to make it work.
@Jørgen_Bjerring, I like the full image so much better!
Many thanks, Joyce
As an anti-spam measure, we limit the privileges of new members for a short time. Try again. You should have full posting rights now.
Red Tailed Hawk<img src="https://photos.smugmug.com/Birds-of-Prey/i-kcBJv92/2/2a7d645b/XL/DSC_4880RTH-XL.jpg" alt="The Takeoff"></a>" title="
I don't know why it posted the photo twice?
I had my problems too as a newbie. If I was you I would click on the Edit icon in your comment (the wheel in the uppper right corner) and then delete the content totally and start again by clicking the Image icon (the last one at the right with a sun and mountain), paste the Image URL (copied from Share in SmugMug) again and the post the comment.
That URL isn't inserted with the help of the Image Icon. The picture below is. If you look at the tool line in a (new) post the Image Icon is the last one to the right. You must use that (click on it) and paste the URL in the box that opens. To get the picture below I copied the URL from your above post and used the Image Icon to paste it. I will delete your photo from this post, when you have seen it.
(deleted photo)
Thank you for fixing it!
You are welcome
Glad you got it figured out Adam. There's more than one way to skin a cat, as well as post an image to these forums!

What species is this, do you know?
It's a Common Buzzard.