Feedback wanted....

PhilCorleyPhotoPhilCorleyPhoto Registered Users Posts: 107 Major grins

I am nearly complete on the customisation of my SM site and would welcome some feedback on how it works for you.

Most of the customisation wouldn't have been possible without the support of this forum, so I really would appreciate your thoughts. Have I missed a trick, would something work better another way, etc.

The site is:

Oh the Scotland portfolio is currently empty as those images still need to be moved in.

Many thanks



  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited February 7, 2017

    Your site has a nice clean look, well done.

    I was a bit surprised to see that there are no photos in your blog entries. I think adding photos would create a more interesting blog. In addition, assigning a feature image to each page would give a more interesting search result. Here is an example of the search result page that I see when I search pages on your site:

    I recommend assigning a feature image to each page:

    I find the font used in your blog to be somewhat uncomfortable to read. I would prefer a wider spacing and/or a slightly larger size.

    To me a "home" entry in the menu just adds clutter. Your viewers can get back to home by clicking on your logo; I would remove the menu item.

    Your logo is cut off if the browser image is resized. I would prefer to see a stretchy layout that would always show the full logo.

  • PhilCorleyPhotoPhilCorleyPhoto Registered Users Posts: 107 Major grins

    Hi Denise; thanks for the feedback....

    I have now added a feature image to the blog items - I have used an image to display the "Category" of the blog item - where there isn't a specific image in the blog that could be used. Some blogs are just random thoughts so don't have related images, where others are talking about images, so these are in the blog (or in process of being added).

    I have amended the font, so hopefully that reads better?

    Good call about the home page - have now removed

    Should have fixed the logo now and it shouldn't be cut-off

    Have a look and let me know what you think



  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited February 7, 2017

    @PhilCorleyPhoto said:
    I have now added a feature image to the blog items - I have used an image to display the "Category" of the blog item - where there isn't a specific image in the blog that could be used. Some blogs are just random thoughts so don't have related images, where others are talking about images, so these are in the blog (or in process of being added).

    I have amended the font, so hopefully that reads better?

    I still think the font is not clear - perhaps it's not the size so much as the fact that it looks pixelated to me. It may just be me though; I find it much more comfortable reading dark text against a light background. When the new dgrin emerged I had a real problem with the text - but the changes that were made based on viewer feedback made it easier to read. Compare your text with the text here as an example.

    Results of search against your blog looks better with the images.

    I recommend that you take a look at this (system-generated) page on your site:

    Some of the entries on that page would be better as unlisted pages / galleries instead of public pages / galleries. If you set a gallery (or folder or page) to unlisted it will only show up if you explicitly include it on a page or if you give a viewer the direct URL. If you want to remove these items from public view but still be able to reference them then change the Visibility from Public to Unlisted.

  • PhilCorleyPhotoPhilCorleyPhoto Registered Users Posts: 107 Major grins

    Hi Denise - do you know what the font used here is? It is much cleaner looking.

    Thanks for the pointer on the unlisted stuff; will fix


  • Hikin' MikeHikin' Mike Registered Users Posts: 5,490 Major grins

    @PhilCorleyPhoto said:
    Hi Denise - do you know what the font used here is?

    font-family: "Gotham SSm A", "Gotham SSm B", "Helvetica","Arial", "sans-serif"

  • Cygnus StudiosCygnus Studios Registered Users Posts: 2,294 Major grins

    The font color is a bit hard to read (for me). It is a little easier in the blog as it is larger, but the about me and gallery descriptions are tough. Light grey on grey wouldn't be my first choice.

    Other than the font, the site is clean and easy to navigate around. Well done.


  • PhilCorleyPhotoPhilCorleyPhoto Registered Users Posts: 107 Major grins

    Thanks guys; will work on the font a bit and report back when done.

  • PhilCorleyPhotoPhilCorleyPhoto Registered Users Posts: 107 Major grins

    Hi all; hopefully I have made the fonts more easy-on-the-eye. Let me if it now works or not for you?



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