redirect my homepage?

mthibodeaumthibodeau Registered Users Posts: 63 Big grins

I have a smugmug site and custom domain that I got through SM but I want to create a new homepage with a different url (and different platform) but have my SM homepage redirect to the new url. But I want to keep the client.galleries sections of my SM page - I just want to create a new umbrella front page that all of my brands will point to. All my business cards, etc have my SM domain url on them so I don't want to abandon it completely. Is there a way to redirect our homepage?
Thanks, Maria


  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator

    Are you saying that you want to change your SmugMug URL but keep the old URL and have that essentially go to the new URL?

    If that's what you want, you should be able to set up the old URL to go to another URL - but that would be done outside of SmugMug. On SmugMug, change your site to point to the location you want to use for your new client galleries. Then go to your domain registrar's pages and forward the old URL to the new one.

    As an example, my SmugMug site is at I also own the domain name I have set up so it forwards to That was done on the domain registrar site, not on smug.

    If your new URL is, you could set your client galleries URL to be
    You could then forward to either your new site landing page or your clientgalleries page.

    If I misinterpreted your question, please ask again, but include the URLs (or examples of the URLs) to make it easier to understand your question.

  • mthibodeaumthibodeau Registered Users Posts: 63 Big grins

    Thanks, Denise. I think I explained it backwards. So my SM site is and I want people to be redirected from that homepage url to a new site (not a SM site) - (mariathibodeauphotography - it's not built yet).

    I seem to recall that when I wanted to move my domain in the past to a new registrar, I had an issue because it's tied in with SM - like I got that domain when I signed up. I don't actually know who holds my SM domain registration at this point - I think it was godaddy but I may have ended up moving it. So I'm not sure how I would get in to point the url to another site. But you seem to be saying it's possible.


  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator

    You can find the domain registrar by doing a whois lookup. I just found many sites where you can do this lookup by searching on Google for "how to find registrar of domain". These are two that I checked:

  • mthibodeaumthibodeau Registered Users Posts: 63 Big grins

    Curiouser and curiouser. Whois says my domain is registered by wild west domains, but I don't remember using them and they don't have a record of me. Is that who SM uses? My recollection is that my domain was tied to my SM account.

  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited February 11, 2017

    Can you login at I think that's where the domains registered with smug were set up.

    If someone from Smugmug doesn't reply here you might want to contact the helpdesk to ask that question. If you do that it would be good to reference this thread.

  • mthibodeaumthibodeau Registered Users Posts: 63 Big grins

    I meant to say also that I have done this process before - redirecting the dns to a different site (with different websites altogether). But the place my domain was registered at had like a dashboard of utilities. That's what I can't find for my SM site.

  • mthibodeaumthibodeau Registered Users Posts: 63 Big grins

    I tried logging in at smugdomains as you suggested and it doesn't recognize me (it's the same website as the wild west domains one, though, so that question is answered) - it tells me invalid url and email combination (even though I would have only used 1 of 2 addresses).
    I will contact SM now - I appreciate your help.

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